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Tips for choosing a dog.

I Everyone.

Im recently married, Im Lucky enough to marry a beautiful woman 12 years younger than me. I'm 37 btw.
Now what seemed like a normal date and find love turned into something deeper. I've always been into beastiality having my fair share of experiences from younger especially growing up around animals especially dogs and horses. it was always something I kept hidden, then I met my wife and we were having a heart to heart and she mentioned how she also had a thing for beastiality. That's kind of what solidified my attraction to her. eventually we got married and we've had many experiences together ever since.

long story short her Birthday is coming up and since we've finally moved to a home with more space im looking to get her our own pup that she can enjoy as opposed to trying to find owners. Could you guys give some suggestions on breeds.

1. Great Dane
2. Cane Corso
3. Doberman

we aren't thinking husky, lab or GSD because our weather is far too warm for their thick coat. let me know.

before anyone gets offended, the pup is mostly for companionship and protection while im travelling and away from home I would like my wife to be protected, pleasured and comforted. I do know Knott sizes vary so is it hugely important, I don't think so, she enjoys large dogs with big knots, the challenge excites her. so please keep that in mind when recommending a breed, especially if you live with any of these breeds daily, please let me know.

Regards T
I'm kind of new to zoophilia and I can't find much info online about this as obviously it's pretty illegal except for where I live. I wanted to know which breeds of dogs are the best for human on animal sex, love included as I am a big time animal lover. I mainly want to know the sluttiest types of dogs, male and female, but more loving types would also be helpful. That and also any info on how to properly and safely have sex with either a male or female dog. I am 23(m) by the way.
What kind of dog do you think is best? I am about to engage soon hopefully and wanted to know if it will hurt.

More context:
I’m a female looking for m w m dog and I have a smaller frame 5’2 135 pounds. My v is smaller size I’d say but it can fit like the size of an egg in pretty sure. Would love to figure out how to make this less painful/ guily of an experience
they have a beagle and a mastiff? I wanna start with one and work my way up to the other forsure
That makes a lot of sense. You may want to gently rub his sheath to see his knot to make sure it's not too wide.

I hope you find a dog that you can enjoy intimacy with in a way that is safe and pleasurable.
Yes I’m excited to try I’ve always been turned on by their big balls hanging but now I know what ACTUALLY inside there wowzer I want it INSIDE me
Good girl, love your attitude, sounds to me like you are in heat 😉
Also be sure to check out the boy's equipment before you commit to letting them mount and enter you becasue by then it could be too late to change your mind. Beagles are usually quiet well hung for their size so are Mastiffs but at least the Beagle may be easier to manage for you at first because he wont be as overpowering on your small body which will be less stressfull and allow oyu to focus on enjoying your first taste of doggy cock 😉