Thought I'd briefly share my experience , for those thinking of doing the same with their partners and worried what the response might be.
Within a month of meeting my girl we had a discussion about porn and fetishes, in which I admitted "seeing" dog+woman porn and found it quite erotic, so she's always known something. We've been together over a year now and the subject has come up a few times, I've used these moments to explain gradually that I'd not just seen it, but actually watch it occasionally.
Anyway, this week, while we were having drinks and on the subject of sex, I offered to show her some videos and she said yes. For a long moment we were both worried we'd made a mistake. I decide to show her the clip of Mama Luba with the explosive knot that I'm sure most of you are familiar with. thinking the intensity would interest her, we also watched a couple minutes of a montage while I tried to explain what I found erotic about it.
She found the F-ing and knotting part acceptable, but wasn't a fan of the doggy BJ. And that's about it.... She's not agreed to watch the porn again, but said it's fine for me to watch. She was also relieved to see that it didn't involve any animal abuse, and glad that the dog and woman both enjoyed it. She also asked if I expect her to F a dog irl now. I said I would like it, but don't expect it. She was happy with that. So in the end, everything was okay, and we're probably closer now than we were before. overall positive outcome.