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Thinking of talking to a therapist...

Have you gone to a therapist? Did they learn about you being a zoophile? [What happened?]

  • I haven't gone to a therapist.

    Votes: 29 32.6%
  • I haven't gone to a therapist, but I would reveal I'm a zoophile if I were to go to one.

    Votes: 7 7.9%
  • I have gone to a therapist but have not revealed I'm a zoophile.

    Votes: 39 43.8%
  • I have gone to a therapist and they know I'm a zoophile. [Their response wasn't favorable.]

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • I have gone to a therapist and they know I'm a zoophile. [Their response was neutral/favorable.]

    Votes: 13 14.6%

  • Total voters
I've accumulated some psychological problems over the years (trust issues, paranoia, depression, social anxiety, etc.) from a lot of different stressors (rough upbringing, family issues, repressive environment, etc.). I was busy enough to not dwell on it too much in college, but they're starting to come to a head now that I'm out on my own in the real world.

My close friends are recommending I talk to a therapist. None of them know I'm a zoo, and I don't know if any of them should know that right now. The local furry community (including myself and all my friends) has already had enough zoo fiascos recently. Zoophilia is a felony in my state: 5 years of prison, 3 year statute of limitations. I don't want to have my life ruined by someone on Twitter with a loud mouth and an axe to grind.

The last time I revealed this to anyone was after my parents found [zoo] porn on my phone when I was 17 and learned I had been having sex with our pet lab. Within a few months, they blackmailed me with it. I don't think I've ever felt more scared or powerless since then. (I guess that might explain the trust issues.)

I'd be lying if I said I was anything other than terrified. I don't want to have some therapist say I'm "broken", try to reprogram my sexuality, or make me take pills. My living situation isn't conducive to owning animals right now, but who knows what would happen if I found a dog while in therapy?

I don't know what to do anymore.

Help me out here?

If you're in WA State zoosex isn't a reportable offense, and being zoo in the first place isn't illegal anyways. A therapist could be sued and have their reputation destroyed if they violated confidentiality to report it. I still strongly suggest you seek out a therapist who has been practicing for many years and inquire as to their understanding of what they are required by law to report to make sure THEY know. But for sure get therapy if you think you need it. It's certainly helped me out
I've been thinking about finding a therapist and after some groundwork has been done to open up about my zoosexuality. It's completely legal to have bestial sex in where I live anyway so I am in no trouble with the law even if I'd be actively having sex with animals (and I am not) so my situation here is a bit more easy.

It's so terribly lonely to be a zoo tbh. That's why I've come to these forums now. Ya gotta talk with someone about who you are and your deepest desires..
Something you may try that has worked for me is talking online or via phone to a therapist anonymously, there are free recorded u can use and people to can talk to for free judgment free.

For me I found this great compromise and tbh everyone I spoke to through a few different sights were helpful and only want to make you better, not change who you are or judge.

I'd say some online research is definitely worth a look
Seeing a therapist was one of the best (if not the best) decision I ever made for my mental health. I seriously did not expect to come out of therapy in such a good mindset. It’s worth every minute. I opened up about my sexuality on day one since I wanted to make it clear that this was likely the main source of my depression. My therapist was very open minded and understanding. They were actually quite interested in learning more about the sexuality itself, so I was happy to answer any questions he had.

If I were to do it over again, I would have gone sooner.