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Thinking of talking to a therapist...

Have you gone to a therapist? Did they learn about you being a zoophile? [What happened?]

  • I haven't gone to a therapist.

    Votes: 29 32.6%
  • I haven't gone to a therapist, but I would reveal I'm a zoophile if I were to go to one.

    Votes: 7 7.9%
  • I have gone to a therapist but have not revealed I'm a zoophile.

    Votes: 39 43.8%
  • I have gone to a therapist and they know I'm a zoophile. [Their response wasn't favorable.]

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • I have gone to a therapist and they know I'm a zoophile. [Their response was neutral/favorable.]

    Votes: 13 14.6%

  • Total voters
I've accumulated some psychological problems over the years (trust issues, paranoia, depression, social anxiety, etc.) from a lot of different stressors (rough upbringing, family issues, repressive environment, etc.). I was busy enough to not dwell on it too much in college, but they're starting to come to a head now that I'm out on my own in the real world.

My close friends are recommending I talk to a therapist. None of them know I'm a zoo, and I don't know if any of them should know that right now. The local furry community (including myself and all my friends) has already had enough zoo fiascos recently. Zoophilia is a felony in my state: 5 years of prison, 3 year statute of limitations. I don't want to have my life ruined by someone on Twitter with a loud mouth and an axe to grind.

The last time I revealed this to anyone was after my parents found [zoo] porn on my phone when I was 17 and learned I had been having sex with our pet lab. Within a few months, they blackmailed me with it. I don't think I've ever felt more scared or powerless since then. (I guess that might explain the trust issues.)

I'd be lying if I said I was anything other than terrified. I don't want to have some therapist say I'm "broken", try to reprogram my sexuality, or make me take pills. My living situation isn't conducive to owning animals right now, but who knows what would happen if I found a dog while in therapy?

I don't know what to do anymore.

Help me out here?
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I've accumulated some psychological problems over the years (trust issues, paranoia, depression, social anxiety, etc.) from a lot of different stressors (rough upbringing, family issues, repressive environment, etc.). I was busy enough to not dwell on it too much in college, but they're starting to come to a head now that I'm out on my own in the real world.

My close friends are recommending I talk to a therapist. None of them know I'm a zoo, and I don't know if any of them should know that right now. The local furry community (all of us are furries) has already had enough zoo fiascos recently. Zoophilia is a felony in my state: 5 years of prison, 3 year statute of limitations. I don't want to have my life ruined by someone on Twitter with a loud mouth and an axe to grind.

The last time I revealed this to anyone was after my parents found [zoo] porn on my phone when I was 17 and learned I had been having sex with our pet lab. Within a few months, they blackmailed me with it. I don't think I've ever felt more scared or powerless since then. (I guess that might explain the trust issues.)

I'd be lying if I said I was anything other than terrified. I don't want to have some therapist say I'm "broken", try to reprogram my sexuality, or make me take pills. My living situation isn't conducive to owning animals right now, but who knows what would happen if I found a dog while in therapy?

I don't know what to do anymore.

Help me out here?
I've gone back and forth on wanting to talk to a therapist or psychiatrist. I never considered it up until about 6 months ago, before that I didn't know I was zoo, I just thought I was straight and had a really weird fetish where I wanted to go with a dog, but figured I'd perform just fine with a human. After many confusing, self hating years, I now know I am zoo exclusive, I've never had a sexual thought about a human, all my dreams have been about dogs or other animals. I ignored and repressed it very well through high school, and I'm glad I did because that would have been too much. I told my best friend I was zoo, and he thought I should talk to a professional, and he still does. He doesn't care that I'm zoo, he took it as well as a non zoo can. He doesn't agree with it, or thinks it's right, but he knows I'm not going to hurt anyone, and we're going off well over a decade of trust here. We make jokes about it a lot now, and it really cleared things up since I was fake straight for many years, successfully, but some stuff was different, but not noticeable until he knew what was going on. I have no other mental issues, completely normal by most standards, I would just like to talk to a professional to see what's going on and get some opinions on things in person. I don't like to force these conversations on my friend, I'm not sure if he wants to talk about it, but I'd guess other than the occasional joke or few comments, he doesn't want to talk at length about how I want to have sex with a dog.
As I see it now, benefits of talking to a professional: I can stop when I want if it's not what I was looking for, I can get some clarity on what I'm thinking, they could probably give other helpful advice I can't think of since I'm not a professional. Downsides: I'm on my parents insurance, I would have to tell them. They would be worried, and probably never think of me the same again. (I wouldn't have to tell them I'm zoo, just that I want to talk to a professional). I don't want them worrying about me all the time and being concerned that I'm not alright, when I've done pretty well through the years with the cards I've been dealt. I'm not sure how much I trust the confidentiality laws/standards. I don't want to be forced on any medication or treatments, because I'm doing fine now.
I will add, my only potential mental problems, I'm confident in what I think and feel. That's been crystal clear for awhile now. I'm not confident in how I feel it relates to my family, friends, laws, life, religion, and the general public. Those all cause me a nearly constant and great anxiety. Of the time I'm awake, it easily occupies 75% of that time in my thoughts. Rarely can I get into something that will make me forget for a bit. I show no outward signs of stress or anxiety, but my friend could tell that this was something I was unsure about, and that bothered me. I know what I want to do, I don't know about what's right and wrong, and what's going to happen in my future. I would not say I'm suicidal, but there are some days where the negative thoughts are really there, and while I would never kill myself, it would be so inconsiderate to my family and friends, I do sometimes wish I could just silently slip out of this life, without hurting anyone. But that's not how it works, and I would live a life of pain before bringing that kind of pain on everyone else. Also a zoo killing themselves would just reinforce stereotypes that they are mentally ill when it is actually how they are seen and treated that causes the problems.
That is so messed up with your family doing that. I'm not sure how I would end up after something like that, but if I were caught with the dog, I probably would have killed myself. I probably still would now. Not worth dealing with at all, I couldn't handle it, they couldn't handle it, it would end my life as it is. Traditional beliefs run strong around here and with the opinions on same sex relationships, I don't even think zoophilia is something they've ever even thought about. It's just too weird for them. I am so so careful to never get caught with zoo porn. I'm not sure if you have a friend you are really close with, but it's great to have someone who knows just to talk to, and understand what you feel. I had a huge debate for months on whether to tell my friend, and I'm glad I did. I would never tell anyone I did not trust completely, it's too risky.
So at this point, maybe I will, maybe I wont. I'm in a position where I can choose when I want, as I don't have any major concern that I will harm myself or others, although the constant thoughts are somewhat torturous. It's been a rough ride for years now, I couldn't put it all in text, and everyone's situation is different. I think it would really help me out to meet another zoo in person, but I'm too paranoid to take that lightly. I just want to talk to someone, not looking for sex or anything, but maybe just to get lunch? I would have to see quite a history on here to trust someone that much, because if it went bad, I don't think I'd stay around this life for much longer.
@Most Unassuming Doggo

A therapist might be a good option. Just having somebody to discuss issues you are having and forming plans to concur them, is a big help in my opinion. I myself spent a lot of time in my preteens to my 20's talking with a few about my depression, anxiety, and social anxiety. I even spent some time in a mental health facility after nearly ending my life when I was a teen. I imagine my difficulty accepting my zoosexuality had some part in my mental health, but I never spoke a word of it to my therapists. There was a confidentiality clause, but it could be broken if I admitted to breaking a law, so be vigilant of that if you do plan on coming out to a professional. Also, since you're an adult, you're not required to take any medication, so be upfront about that with them if you're going to seek them out.
A therapist will only work on the issues you want to work on. They won't try to reprogram you, they can't make you take pills, and similar to attorney-client privilege they can only break the confidentiality agreement if someone was in serious danger (i.e. you told them you have a plan to kill someone in the near future).
Unless you actually express an immediate intention of committing a serious violent crime, a therapist is not really allowed to violate rules regarding confidentiality, just based on the customary ethics of their professions that go back to Sigmund Freud.

If a therapist ever gives you any trouble, then just stand up without saying anything further, walk out the door, order some Chinese takeout, pick it up, go home, stuff your face with noodles, and look up another therapist. Do not argue. You do not have to. You do not have to prove anything. You do not even need to tell the therapist that you have absolutely no intention whatsoever of returning. Just peacefully move on.

Just by walking out on a therapist that refused to leave you alone about your sexuality, you would be teaching that therapist a lesson, and just maybe, the next person like you that tried to talk about it with the same therapist would get treated with greater dignity because you bravely stood up and walked away. Just by opening up about it and showing that you were not going to tolerate being treated like some sicko over it, you could help give some other zoo a fighting chance of getting the care they need.

Eventually, you will find a therapist that you can talk to about this honestly, who is willing to treat you with dignity. You might get lucky the first time. You might have to strike out a couple of times to get one that you click with. Giving each one a chance does almost nothing to endanger you whatsoever, and the ethics of their profession are a lot stronger and a lot older than the late anti-zoo witch-hunt.

However, your psychological problems are not about to go away on their own. It is worth your while to keep on trying.
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Unless you actually express an immediate intention of committing a serious violent crime, a therapist is not really allowed to violate rules regarding confidentiality, just based on the customary ethics of their professions that go back to Sigmund Freud.

If a therapist ever gives you any trouble, then just stand up without saying anything further, walk out the door, order some Chinese takeout, pick it up, go home, stuff your face with noodles, and look up another therapist. Do not argue. You do not have to. You do not have to prove anything. You do not even need to tell the therapist that you have absolutely no intention whatsoever of returning. Just peacefully move on.

Just by walking out on a therapist that refused to leave you alone about your sexuality, you would be teaching that therapist a lesson, and just maybe, the next person like you that tried to talk about it with the same therapist would get treated with greater dignity because you bravely stood up and walked away. Just by opening up about it and showing that you were not going to tolerate being treated like some sicko over it, you could help give some other zoo a fighting chance of getting the care they need.

Eventually, you will find a therapist that you can talk to about this honestly, who is willing to treat you with dignity. You might get lucky the first time. You might have to strike out a couple of times to get one that you click with. Giving each one a chance does almost nothing to endanger you whatsoever, and the ethics of their profession are a lot stronger and a lot older than the late anti-zoo witch-hunt.

However, your psychological problems are not about to go away on their own. It is worth your while to keep on trying.
This, actually.
I've gone back and forth on wanting to talk to a therapist or psychiatrist. I never considered it up until about 6 months ago, before that I didn't know I was zoo, I just thought I was straight and had a really weird fetish where I wanted to go with a dog, but figured I'd perform just fine with a human. After many confusing, self hating years, I now know I am zoo exclusive, I've never had a sexual thought about a human, all my dreams have been about dogs or other animals. I ignored and repressed it very well through high school, and I'm glad I did because that would have been too much. I told my best friend I was zoo, and he thought I should talk to a professional, and he still does. He doesn't care that I'm zoo, he took it as well as a non zoo can. He doesn't agree with it, or thinks it's right, but he knows I'm not going to hurt anyone, and we're going off well over a decade of trust here. We make jokes about it a lot now, and it really cleared things up since I was fake straight for many years, successfully, but some stuff was different, but not noticeable until he knew what was going on. I have no other mental issues, completely normal by most standards, I would just like to talk to a professional to see what's going on and get some opinions on things in person. I don't like to force these conversations on my friend, I'm not sure if he wants to talk about it, but I'd guess other than the occasional joke or few comments, he doesn't want to talk at length about how I want to have sex with a dog.
As I see it now, benefits of talking to a professional: I can stop when I want if it's not what I was looking for, I can get some clarity on what I'm thinking, they could probably give other helpful advice I can't think of since I'm not a professional. Downsides: I'm on my parents insurance, I would have to tell them. They would be worried, and probably never think of me the same again. (I wouldn't have to tell them I'm zoo, just that I want to talk to a professional). I don't want them worrying about me all the time and being concerned that I'm not alright, when I've done pretty well through the years with the cards I've been dealt. I'm not sure how much I trust the confidentiality laws/standards. I don't want to be forced on any medication or treatments, because I'm doing fine now.
I will add, my only potential mental problems, I'm confident in what I think and feel. That's been crystal clear for awhile now. I'm not confident in how I feel it relates to my family, friends, laws, life, religion, and the general public. Those all cause me a nearly constant and great anxiety. Of the time I'm awake, it easily occupies 75% of that time in my thoughts. Rarely can I get into something that will make me forget for a bit. I show no outward signs of stress or anxiety, but my friend could tell that this was something I was unsure about, and that bothered me. I know what I want to do, I don't know about what's right and wrong, and what's going to happen in my future. I would not say I'm suicidal, but there are some days where the negative thoughts are really there, and while I would never kill myself, it would be so inconsiderate to my family and friends, I do sometimes wish I could just silently slip out of this life, without hurting anyone. But that's not how it works, and I would live a life of pain before bringing that kind of pain on everyone else. Also a zoo killing themselves would just reinforce stereotypes that they are mentally ill when it is actually how they are seen and treated that causes the problems.
That is so messed up with your family doing that. I'm not sure how I would end up after something like that, but if I were caught with the dog, I probably would have killed myself. I probably still would now. Not worth dealing with at all, I couldn't handle it, they couldn't handle it, it would end my life as it is. Traditional beliefs run strong around here and with the opinions on same sex relationships, I don't even think zoophilia is something they've ever even thought about. It's just too weird for them. I am so so careful to never get caught with zoo porn. I'm not sure if you have a friend you are really close with, but it's great to have someone who knows just to talk to, and understand what you feel. I had a huge debate for months on whether to tell my friend, and I'm glad I did. I would never tell anyone I did not trust completely, it's too risky.
So at this point, maybe I will, maybe I wont. I'm in a position where I can choose when I want, as I don't have any major concern that I will harm myself or others, although the constant thoughts are somewhat torturous. It's been a rough ride for years now, I couldn't put it all in text, and everyone's situation is different. I think it would really help me out to meet another zoo in person, but I'm too paranoid to take that lightly. I just want to talk to someone, not looking for sex or anything, but maybe just to get lunch? I would have to see quite a history on here to trust someone that much, because if it went bad, I don't think I'd stay around this life for much longer.
I feel very hopeful when I hear about other zoos that would be interested in just meeting for a lunch. For me, this is a major bellwether for how far the online zooey community has gone in developing a true sense of community. When I see someone far away saying they would be glad to meet me, a stranger, just for a lunch if we could get to each other, then I think it is only a matter of time before more and more and more of us start finding out that there is another zoo living on the same block as us.

My dream for my area is a zooey Sunday brunch group, just that, nothing but between four and one dozen zoos that always do a brunch every third Sunday, nothing fancy, nothing weird, just people meeting to break bread with each other in peaceful fellowship.
I feel very hopeful when I hear about other zoos that would be interested in just meeting for a lunch.
My dream for my area is a zooey Sunday brunch group, just that, nothing but between four and one dozen zoos that always do a brunch every third Sunday, nothing fancy, nothing weird, just people meeting to break bread with each other in peaceful fellowship.
Sounds nice. I wonder if something like that could ever work here. Maybe one of the breweries and call it mutt-club ;p

I think it would really help me out to meet another zoo in person, but I'm too paranoid to take that lightly. I just want to talk to someone, not looking for sex or anything, but maybe just to get lunch? I would have to see quite a history on here to trust someone that much, because if it went bad, I don't think I'd stay around this life for much longer.
Talking to a pro about that last part will help you get on firmer ground. If your username means what I think it does, you could make a day trip to Pittsburgh PA on July 4th weekend. You'll be able to point in any direction, then, and find a zoo. Some of us will definitely be going, and you have months to search and engage with them first.

no need - zoophilia isnt a sickness
Neither is being alone, but the distress that results is real and can't be dismissed.
If you do choose to go to a therapist I would stay away from religious ones, even if you're religious yourself. I'd maybe look up Thomas Westbrook's YouTube video about contacting and finding secular therapists in your specific area if you are from the states. You'll have a better chance with a secular therapist mainly due to the fact that they're not going to insert their religion into the whole conversation. Most therapists are required to keep conversations confidential. If there isn't any physical evidence of your zoo activities, everything is hearsay, so you shouldn't be arrested for it. And in the small chance that you did get arrested for just talking about it, the court would throw that case out.
If you do choose to go to a therapist I would stay away from religious ones, even if you're religious yourself. I'd maybe look up Thomas Westbrook's YouTube video about contacting and finding secular therapists in your specific area if you are from the states. You'll have a better chance with a secular therapist mainly due to the fact that they're not going to insert their religion into the whole conversation. Most therapists are required to keep conversations confidential. If there isn't any physical evidence of your zoo activities, everything is hearsay, so you shouldn't be arrested for it. And in the small chance that you did get arrested for just talking about it, the court would throw that case out.
aasect.org is THE place to begin a search, whether or not you're in the US. Check it out
Sounds nice. I wonder if something like that could ever work here. Maybe one of the breweries and call it mutt-club ;p

Talking to a pro about that last part will help you get on firmer ground. If your username means what I think it does, you could make a day trip to Pittsburgh PA on July 4th weekend. You'll be able to point in any direction, then, and find a zoo. Some of us will definitely be going, and you have months to search and engage with them first.

Neither is being alone, but the distress that results is real and can't be dismissed.
What's going on in Pittsburgh? I think I might know, but I'm not certain. My concern is someone finding out I went, getting in a photo, or anything like that. I'm close to Pittsburgh, not really close, but relative to the size of this country, I'm close.
@220licco Many of the Zooier Than Thou crew are in or near Pennsylvania, I think, and if that is true, then I think that you are close to where a lot of things are starting to come together very fast.
To repeat what Aqua said: contact Hani Miletski. She has many colleagues all over the country and can put you in contact with a therapist who is known to be zoo friendly. The one she referred me to sees many zoos.
I've accumulated some psychological problems over the years (trust issues, paranoia, depression, social anxiety, etc.) from a lot of different stressors (rough upbringing, family issues, repressive environment, etc.). I was busy enough to not dwell on it too much in college, but they're starting to come to a head now that I'm out on my own in the real world.

My close friends are recommending I talk to a therapist. None of them know I'm a zoo, and I don't know if any of them should know that right now. The local furry community (all of us are furries) has already had enough zoo fiascos recently. Zoophilia is a felony in my state: 5 years of prison, 3 year statute of limitations. I don't want to have my life ruined by someone on Twitter with a loud mouth and an axe to grind.

The last time I revealed this to anyone was after my parents found [zoo] porn on my phone when I was 17 and learned I had been having sex with our pet lab. Within a few months, they blackmailed me with it. I don't think I've ever felt more scared or powerless since then. (I guess that might explain the trust issues.)

I'd be lying if I said I was anything other than terrified. I don't want to have some therapist say I'm "broken", try to reprogram my sexuality, or make me take pills. My living situation isn't conducive to owning animals right now, but who knows what would happen if I found a dog while in therapy?

I don't know what to do anymore.

Help me out here?

even just hearing about your parents finding the zoo porn and finding out that you’ve been having sex with the dog gave me anxiety
What's going on in Pittsburgh? I think I might know, but I'm not certain. My concern is someone finding out I went, getting in a photo, or anything like that. I'm close to Pittsburgh, not really close, but relative to the size of this country, I'm close.
Anthrocon. Say what you want about furries, but there's no denying that zoos are hugely overrepresented in our fandom. Lots of normies show up for the parade, too, so there's nothing controversial about being there.
Anthrocon. Say what you want about furries, but there's no denying that zoos are hugely overrepresented in our fandom. Lots of normies show up for the parade, too, so there's nothing controversial about being there.
Yeah, but do keep in mind, that can be like saying there are a lot of African-Americans in Georgia: it's true that Atlanta is one of two cities in the country where African-Americans are still advancing toward equality, but there are also trouble spots. With zoos, it is not much different. There are a lot of us. Ironically, there are enclaves in the fandom that are even more prejudicial, rather than less, than normies, but on the other hand, if you go to other venues (either edgier or more educated), you can be out as a zoo and not have it mean anything. It's normal for furs, at many venues, to be very open about their sexualities, and zoos that have been around and open since 1990 are not about to make an exception on behalf of some demented witch-hunt.
I have gone through some rough times and I have thought about seeing a therapist but my trust issues have prevented me. I have had to work on things on my own. I do have some skill sets that have helped me that most do not have but it is not easy. If a lot of your issues have surrounded your sexuality than telling would be a necessary part of the conversation.
However my problem is that therapist are human. With all the human flaw. Some are good, some are bad and nearly all bring their own biases to the table. I don't trust people. They are capable of doing terrible things and therapist are people. Maybe you will get a good one maybe not.
I think it ends up being like any relationship. You would have to really get to know the one you are seeing and easy your way in to see how they feel about it. Which means spending a fair amount of money just to see if that one will not condemn you. Also realize if they label you with something like schizophrenia or being delusional you will then have to prove you are not. These people do have power over others and can use it. Put you in a psych ward because they say you are a danger to your self. Sure that is not likely but if it happens they are the professional and it is your word against theirs.
Yeah, but do keep in mind, that can be like saying there are a lot of African-Americans in Georgia: it's true that Atlanta is one of two cities in the country where African-Americans are still advancing toward equality, but there are also trouble spots. With zoos, it is not much different. There are a lot of us. Ironically, there are enclaves in the fandom that are even more prejudicial, rather than less, than normies, but on the other hand, if you go to other venues (either edgier or more educated), you can be out as a zoo and not have it mean anything. It's normal for furs, at many venues, to be very open about their sexualities, and zoos that have been around and open since 1990 are not about to make an exception on behalf of some demented witch-hunt.
Point taken, but for the purpose of being somewhere that an unusual number of zoos will be gathered at the same time, in order to meet one or two that are trusted, it doesn't get much better than a big furcon in a smallish city with a great art scene and pretty good night life, in the summertime.
I have gone through some rough times and I have thought about seeing a therapist but my trust issues have prevented me.
I don't trust people. They are capable of doing terrible things and therapist are people. Maybe you will get a good one maybe not.
I think it ends up being like any relationship. You would have to really get to know the one you are seeing and easy your way in to see how they feel about it. Which means spending a fair amount of money just to see if that one will not condemn you.
Also realize if they label you with something like schizophrenia or being delusional you will then have to prove you are not. These people do have power over others and can use it. Put you in a psych ward because they say you are a danger to your self. Sure that is not likely but if it happens they are the professional and it is your word against theirs.
OK. Again, it doesn't have to go like this. Don't just go to someone and drop a bomb on them after 3 visits, do some homework. Start with a list of therapists like the links I posted above, find some locals ones whose specialties and philosophies make them likely to be helpful, then contact them from a new email address made specifically for this purpose. State your goals for meeting them, and ask them about their experience with zoophilia, and what they believe their reporting obligations are around that. Therapists are not adversaries. If you get that vibe, say thank you and move on down the list.
If a therapist ever makes you feel threatened, then your feet and steering wheel need to take the shortest route to a new therapist. No drama, no tears, all action, and deal with how you feel about it when you get to the next therapist. That's what they are for. Your therapist is supposed to be there to help.
Here's something to remember.. if they aren't an actual Doctor, and they are just a counselor or therapist. They aren't obligated to Dr/Patient privileges and confidentiality.

Also, you're there to talk about your problems. If being a zoo isn't a problem for you, then don't bring it up. For some reason people feel the need to tell people everything about themselves. People don't need to know everything. Period. Once you confide in someone, most people no longer see it as your information, it's now theirs as well... and they will tell someone no matter how close you you think you are.

I'm diagnosed bipolar with non-chemical addiction issues. I don't get into trouble self medicating with drugs or alcohol, but I do with physical things like the gym, sex, masturbation, porn, physical activities, ect. I actually never talk about it or post about it. There's a difference between having an actual mental disorder and being depressed because of choices people make and not being happy with life. The United states hasn't grasp that yet. We diagnose everyone with depression and medicate them. But, I made the mistake of disclosing information to people early on. They told people like their spouses (because you know they don't keep secrets from each other, yeah right).. if it involved someone else they tried to go out of their way to spark up a conversation with that person to see if they'd say anything as well...

That's not to say you can't tell someone, but be selective. Sex addicts anonymous is a great place to talk openly, again be guarded and generalize though. I'm very open about my sexual tastes though, especially with girls. Even if it's illegal, there still has to be probable cause and evidence for then to come get you. Just saying you're into it isn't illegal. That's why cops dont bust drug addicts that say they use drugs at meetings. Hell, Ronnie Coleman was n A list Mr Olympia bodybuilder obviously on steroids, which are in the same felony class as cocaine, and he was a Dallas cop and never got arrested, you can say you robbed a bank and not get arrested without proof.. lol

If you're not having a problem being a zoophile, then stick to fetish groups and sites to chat about it. If you're wanting to quit, then look at it as more generalized and quit porn and fetishes all together. Alcoholics dont say I was to quit drinking whiskey but still drink beer. You have to either quit or not. If it's just the anxiety and depression, try first to see what causes this. Are you disappointed with your life. Then change something. If it's more then seek further help. But only seek help about the actual issues and not anything more.
[EDIT: softened the language a little more. I was maaaaad]

Here's something to remember.. if they aren't an actual Doctor, and they are just a counselor or therapist.
AASECT Certification as a Sex Therapist requires at minimum a Master's degree. Many are PhDs. PhD = Doctor.

They aren't obligated to Dr/Patient privileges and confidentiality.
This is absolutely incorrect. Therapists are bound by physician-patient privilege. It is a cornerstone of the profession's ethics and mandated by state law in order to hold a license to practice. Not doing this exposes them to remedial action by the patient, investigation by the state's medical board, license suspension and revocation, and lawsuits. The only circumstances under which the therapist has legal protection for breaking confidentiality is when they believe in good faith their patient poses an imminent risk to themself or another person and have expressed that to their therapist, eg: rape, murder, child abuse, suicide, white meet the requirements for their duty to report. Sex with an animal is not a reportable crime in any state.

Also, you're there to talk about your problems. If being a zoo isn't a problem for you, then don't bring it up.
The purpose of this thread is to explore treatment options for people for whom zoophilia has become burdensome and distressing.

For some reason people feel the need to tell people everything about themselves. People don't need to know everything. Period. Once you confide in someone, most people no longer see it as your information, it's now theirs as well... and they will tell someone no matter how close you you think you are.
This is why you tell a licensed sex therapist and not the fucking milkman.

There's a difference between having an actual mental disorder and being depressed because of choices people make and not being happy with life.
Situational depression and clinical depression affects millions of people. Both can be severe enough to threaten life. Do not talk shit about depression.

If you're not having a problem being a zoophile, then stick to fetish groups and sites to chat about it.
Reasonable but irrelevant. This thread is for those looking for more.

If you're wanting to quit, then look at it as more generalized and quit porn and fetishes all together.
Please go read a book about porn. I recommend Ethical Porn for Dicks by David J. Ley, PhD.
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I... I barely know where to start with this one. *deep breath*

AASECT Certification as a Sex Therapist requires at minimum a Master's degree. Many are PhDs. PhD = Doctor.

This is absolutely incorrect. Therapists are bound by physician-patient privilege. It is a cornerstone of the profession and mandated by state law in order to hold a license to practice. Not doing this exposes them to remedial action by the patient whose rights were violated, investigation by the state's medical board, license suspension and revocation, and lawsuits. The ONLY circumstances under which the therapist has legal protection for breaking confidentiality is when they believe in good faith their patient poses an imminent risk to themself or another person and have expressed that to their therapist, eg: rape, murder, child abuse, suicide. Sex with an animal is not a reportable crime in ANY STATE.

The purpose of this thread is to explore treatment options for people for whom zoophilia has become burdensome and distressing.

This is why you tell a licensed sex therapist and not the fucking milkman.

Situational depression and clinical depression affects MILLIONS of people. Both can be severe enough to threaten life. DO NOT talk shit about depression, especially in a bullshit ableist pseudolibertarian "life choices" context. You will make an ass of yourself 100% of the time.

Reasonable but irrelevant. This thread is for those looking for more.

Please go read a book about porn. I recommend Ethical Porn for Dicks by David J. Ley, PhD.
I was about to give a thumbs up but it was a little too harsh.
I was about to give a thumbs up but it was a little too harsh.

It wasn't too harsh.. he is correct I am mistaken about the therapist part.. licensed therapist are bound by confidentiality. My mistake and I own it. However, there are many states that require animal abuse to be reported, and sex with an animal is listed as abuse and a crime against nature.... Plus, I'm a big boy (literally) I can take a few words.. lol
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Talking to a therapist might help, but think twice before you reveal your zoophilia. If you are lucky enough, the therapist might just 'park the issue' without any thought or judgement, but if you're unlucky they could read between the lines, put 1 and 1 together, and urge you not to commit criminal acts. If they are bound by confidentiality, do they have a way of justifying breaking that confidentiality, e.g. because they think you are at risk of putting yourself and/or others in danger? If they are not bound to confidentiality, who will they notify about their findings. For instance, will they contact your GP, 'just in case'?

Anyway, despite the latest DSM stating that zoophilia in itself is not an issue, I fear that (too) many therapists will connect all different kinds of mental health issues you might have to your zoophilia, totally ignoring the possibility that not yoi being a zoophile, but something else lies at the root of your issues.
It wasn't too harsh.. he is correct I am mistaken about the therapist part.. licensed therapist are bound by confidentiality. My mistake and I own it. However, there are many states that require animal abuse to be reported, and sex with an animal is listed as abuse and a crime against nature.... Plus, I'm a big boy (literally) I can take a few words.. lol
Talking to a therapist might help, but think twice before you reveal your zoophilia. If you are lucky enough, the therapist might just 'park the issue' without any thought or judgement, but if you're unlucky they could read between the lines, put 1 and 1 together, and urge you not to commit criminal acts. If they are bound by confidentiality, do they have a way of justifying breaking that confidentiality, e.g. because they think you are at risk of putting yourself and/or others in danger? If they are not bound to confidentiality, who will they notify about their findings. For instance, will they contact your GP, 'just in case'?

Anyway, despite the latest DSM stating that zoophilia in itself is not an issue, I fear that (too) many therapists will connect all different kinds of mental health issues you might have to your zoophilia, totally ignoring the possibility that not yoi being a zoophile, but something else lies at the root of your issues.

This is the bottom line: even in WA, there's no obligation to report sex with animals. Zero, nationwide. Not all therapists will know this, and a very few might choose not to abide by it even if they do. That is your task when selecting a therapist, and why it's critical to seek one familiar with zoophilia and ideally one who already sees other zoos. It's simply a matter of time and patience. My information comes straight from Dr. Miletski, who I contacted myself a month ago about this very issue, because it comes up so often around here, and people are justifiably scared.
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