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The perfect penis

Same. I hope for a partner that wants to indulge her fantasies and hope they align with mine. That's the dream anyway hehe
if attached to a horse, then it is usually perfect.
Going to say the same thing but with a dog <3 how can I pic one thing about it when everything about it is so damn perfect....when I get to experience a horse for the first time I'm sure I'll say the same about them as well XD
I had experiences with many stray dogs and some purebreds along my life. All had great beautiful penises on them, but I cannot forget a Mastiff with a extremely big but simmetric shaft and knot on him. Tasted good and his intact iron pole could cum a lot of juice. At first sight, I though was really mouthwatering and delicious. Most perfect cock I've ever seen
All dog cocks are perfection however if I had to choose ones I think are so sexy are the growers not showers.....while this applies to all dog cocks...when you misjudge how big the cock will be then when they Knott and subsequently release from you and you get to witness the magic they were working with...it's wonderful and makes me blush hehe
i dont think we are allowed to post usernames in the forums...... but i think you can guess what mine is its pretty easy ha!