The most embarrassing thing that happened to you

When I first started dating who is now my husband, he found my entire giant treasure trove of zoo porn. I can remember it not going so great for me at the time, but funnily enough, it turned out he shared some similar thoughts, and since we are now married, it clearly wasn’t a deal breaker.
You’re lucky to have a partner that accepts that
I used to live on a farm out in the country with no close neighbors, so I got caught masturbating outside by a neighbor who was using binoculars to spy on me! They lived about a 1/3 mile away from me, too, but later told me about it, and of course, it was embarrassing.
I used to live on a farm out in the country with no close neighbors, so I got caught masturbating outside by a neighbor who was using binoculars to spy on me! They lived about a 1/3 mile away from me, too, but later told me about it, and of course, it was embarrassing.
You know, I’ve always hoped I would stumble upon someone jacking off unawares somewhere, but it’s never happened for me. Apparently you made it happen for someone else!
I ended up in the ER after an incident with an arousal gel called "ON".
I couldn't form words to explain to the EMT's who showed up, after a frantic phone call they received, as to why I was in the fetal position, with an ice pack between my legs, hyperventilating. The man I had been dating for about a month was clueless as to what was going on (I can't imagine he had many "accidents" during intimacy). All he knew is that I went from pleasure screaming to pain screaming almost instantaneously. Causing me to put a halt to our escapades, and take off into the kitchen.
After a short ambulance ride and some really good pain meds, I was able to run down exactly what happened to a doctor. The nice young man managed to keep a straight face, gave me a quick pat on the hand and a smile of reassurance before his nurse appeared with a "chemical flush" system. I felt like I owed dinner after that, at the least.
Said date was mortified, thinking he had done something. Poor guy sat with his hands in his face the whole time. When they asked him if he was alright, given my state of hysteria upon arrival and his quiet demeanor, all he could muster was "condom".
I very quickly learned that too much of something in a sexual context can in fact be a bad thing, and there's a reason they call it "ON", rather than "IN".
I can laugh about it now. However, in that moment, if dying of embarrassment was a thing, that's when it would have happened.
I know this is pretty moderate, but a couple years ago I fell asleep long while having some hard-core porn on my screen., Woke up to my caregiver helping me get ready for the day and my computer turned off. She tried to save me the embarrassment