Zooville Settler
You are lucky.It's hard not being able to deflect "Why are you 30 and single" comments with "No thanks I already have a partner" instead of "not interested". As a woman who "should be married with kids by now" I do get some shit from older generations in my casino. Many of them are just old women who mean well, and who want to see me happy. I wish I could tell them they could have skipped years of hardship with a nice good bone.
My responses of "Oh I have my German Shepard and he's enough for me right now" usually get replies with "Oh you will want kids/partner/someone soon enough"!
Meanwhile I am very well-loved by friends. I have an amazing sex life. My money is doing quite well. My hobbies and interests are going quite fine (apart from COVID of course) and I have very little stress in my life. The difference between me and these women is that I never got married like they did, and unlike them I'm getting properly fucked*. I have literally everything I need or want, and I also don't want kids. I have zero interest in kids (apart from a litter of puppies tho ^_-). My parents have bought that I am mostly asexual.
So for short, being a single woman who had tied the knot privately in more ways than one with her canine lover has societal expectations.
*Seriously you men have to learn to eat pussy, quite a few of your wives don't like going down on you without you going down on them. Though considering this forum I'm sure most of you down down on pussy, human or otherwise.
Those other ladies never felt so full like you when a tennis size knot and huge swelled cock stays inside your pussy for about 30 minutes and all that pumping of hot doggy cum ?
But any plans of marrying a zoophile like-minded guy in future?