Zooville Settler
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Necesitas haber mandado 10 mensajes al foro antes de poder mandar privadosno puedo enviar privados, no se porque..
Hola me agregan? me encanta el materialmanden privado un mensaje y les dejo el link
tienes telegram? Pasalo te buscoa mi me gustaria entrar, si aun se puede
Puedo entrar gracmanden privado un mensaje y les dejo el link
Excellent! Keep it up, I'm sure everyone will be jumping at the opportunity to add you to a group when you can't follow simple instructions, cant follow rules, and openly go against any form of authority. Yes, people are definitely going to trust you now.Where is the interest of sensing my nickname telegram on the group when few users seem real ... a lot of fake including this nickname moderator ...
Lolol! Yes! This we site will prevent you from your imaginary dreams. Good by!My poor boy who takes himself for god on a small platform ... Frankly you think you're intimidating me with a shit bag behind your computer, I don't care about your little rules but what are you going to do ban me from a site? I've been training dogs for 20 years to fuck my submissives do you think your website will really change my life or prevent me from meeting submissives looking for the Zoo ???
yo tampocono puedo enviar privados, no se porque ..
ahhNecesitas haber mandado 10 mensajes al foro antes de poder mandar privados
Yo bro me quiero unirmanden privado un mensaje y les dejo el link
t mande al pvmanden privado un mensaje y les dejo el link
Hola, yo cerca de MadridHola me gustaría entrar soy de Madrid
No puedo mandar privadomanden privado un mensaje y les dejo el link