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We have been involved in the swingers lifestyle for about 3 years. We kind of stumbled into it (story for another time).

We've had quite a few experiences and made some very good friends in the LS. We started out researching it online, found a forum (like this one) and learned a lot. First experience was at a swingers club. We were then invited into a local FB group through people we met at the club. Went to our first party and ended up in a orgy. It's definitely been fun and we both agree that it has strengthened our marriage!
Obviously we are very new to bestiality, but have been swingers for a long time. Has anyone ever had the two cross? Would love to hear about your experiences.
I (the male half) have been a swinger for years. I've recently put that part of my life behind me, but it never once intersected with my zoo side. I won't ever go back, as my girlfriend isn't interested in any other dicks aside from animal ones, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I feel like I've gotten to the stage in my life where I'm comfortable settling down
In 20+ years we have known 1 couple that was into it but never let them know our interest. And a couple of single ladies have let on of their interest in zoo but we choose not to mix the 2 worlds so we don't pursue this interest with others in the swingers realm.
Me and my wife have been swingers for 8ish years. We absolutely love that lifestyle as well. Never had the lifestyles mix. The only time it came close is when we were playing with a single female and she had a knotting dildo. My wife asked her about it and she had no idea what it was (still wrapped in plastic) it had came from a big assortment of toys she ordered. She didn’t seem to be into it and it stayed wrapped in plastic so we never brought it up again
In 20+ years we have known 1 couple that was into it but never let them know our interest. And a couple of single ladies have let on of their interest in zoo but we choose not to mix the 2 worlds so we don't pursue this interest with others in the swingers realm.
Same here. 2 separate worlds.
Me and my wife have been swingers for 8ish years. We absolutely love that lifestyle as well. Never had the lifestyles mix. The only time it came close is when we were playing with a single female and she had a knotting dildo. My wife asked her about it and she had no idea what it was (still wrapped in plastic) it had came from a big assortment of toys she ordered. She didn’t seem to be into it and it stayed wrapped in plastic so we never brought it up again
been active swinger for almost as long as I'm sexually active and unless it is legal to "play" with animals in your country I would risk bragging about it among real life groups of any sort
I've had some absolutely amazing experiences. Along with making great friendships with couples I've played with outside the bedroom.
It can be the greatest experience or it can go bad quickly

Luckily all mine were good. One experience even made the local news paper in the red light round up.lol basically the cop log... lol glad it was the other guy then me. In our m,f,m,f. Foursum
My experience is that there are no single men allowed but single women may come. So most of the men are just interested in what they can grab and too many women left alone. Most of the men have enough trouble satisfying one woman, never mind two, so it inevitably petered out when all of the women lost interest, for different reasons.
However when there has been an "event" involving an animal and a crowd has gathered, it usually ends up as a spontaneous free-for-all and when it's spontaneous like that, that's much more interesting.
I would really like to try swinging but since I'm married it's probably never going to happen. I'm selfish so I wouldn't want my significant other participating and it's not really up her alley anyways but I have an insatiable appetite that will ruin me
My experience is that there are no single men allowed but single women may come. So most of the men are just interested in what they can grab and too many women left alone. Most of the men have enough trouble satisfying one woman, never mind two, so it inevitably petered out when all of the women lost interest, for different reasons.
However when there has been an "event" involving an animal and a crowd has gathered, it usually ends up as a spontaneous free-for-all and when it's spontaneous like that, that's much more interesting.
So have you been to an event involving an animal? Sounds like a swinging party I'd love to be involved in
So what do you know about swinging? Have you done it before? I haven't l but I'm actually quite interested. But... I hear you have to be a sociable person to do that so that means I'm SOL on that, lol. (I mean just regular swinging with no pets/animals involved.) Any thoughts, opinions, experiences?
Would be really cool but how I am right now I’m not emotionally strong enough, and get really jealous/insecure to do it.
We've been in the vanilla swinging lifestyle for many years. Mainly clubs we visit, some private meets and socially as well.
We've had some amazing experiences, and a few laughable ones. One thing to note, it's not for everyone, especially if you have doubts, jealousy or trust issues. It can be a hard lifestyle to adjust to if you're not prepared.
You'll need those before taking the plunge in some cases, but everyone is different and will have different experiences and reactions.
The buzz from a sexual high can last days, then the come down will kick in. That's the part when you'll find out if its for you.
Rule number 1 is, you can't unfuck somebody!
Rule number 2, There's no substitute for experience. If you don't have a dabble, you'll never know what something is like until you've dipped your toes in (or other things lol)
venture into it with an open mind, clear conscience and see how you go.

We use clubs as they're neutral ground for meeting like minded people of all sexes, no pressure to play or perform, no expectations of sex. We just do our own thing at our own pace and pleasure.

Hope this little bit about us helps those thinking of venturing into the swing of things 😊
We've been in the vanilla swinging lifestyle for many years. Mainly clubs we visit, some private meets and socially as well.
We've had some amazing experiences, and a few laughable ones. One thing to note, it's not for everyone, especially if you have doubts, jealousy or trust issues. It can be a hard lifestyle to adjust to if you're not prepared.
You'll need those before taking the plunge in some cases, but everyone is different and will have different experiences and reactions.
The buzz from a sexual high can last days, then the come down will kick in. That's the part when you'll find out if its for you.
Rule number 1 is, you can't unfuck somebody!
Rule number 2, There's no substitute for experience. If you don't have a dabble, you'll never know what something is like until you've dipped your toes in (or other things lol)
venture into it with an open mind, clear conscience and see how you go.

We use clubs as they're neutral ground for meeting like minded people of all sexes, no pressure to play or perform, no expectations of sex. We just do our own thing at our own pace and pleasure.

Hope this little bit about us helps those thinking of venturing into the swing of things 😊
Everything you said is 100% facts. We've been in the LS for over 30 yrs.