Oh and I can’t really say the same for the taste of dog cum. I prefer the taste of human male cum to dog male cum but then again I also said I believe it’s an acquired taste… I do however still have to acquire that taste even though I’ve been swallowing dog cum since February this year. I will say it’s an incredible turn on to me though to swallow our dog’s cum. Just the “filthy” idea of it alone gets me off really good!I actually semi-recently tried human cum for the first time, on the condition he sweetened it with pineapples. Even with that, I gotta say, it tasted like salty boogers and even though I tried I really couldn't swallow it. I haven't tried dog cum yet but a friend of mine who has tried (and enjoys) both highly recommends dog cum over human cum, so I'm excited to give that a try eventually.
Pussy cum though, yeah I don't waste a drop of that ?
Pussy cum… Now THAT I CAN totally agree with ALL the time!!!!!