Stay-At-Home orders affecting your pet?



I had a chat with our vet this morning about a behavior issue we've been working on with our dog. When I described how we could address his behavior, I'd hardly finished asking my question when she answered with a question: "Has maybe your behavior changed?"

She said vets are reporting changes in animal behavior the past few months (due to stay at home orders) because people are
  • Home more to notice behaviors that may have been present all along
  • Stressing out themselves, and it's altering the dog's own sense of "normalcy," passing it on to their pets. Have stress levels increased in your home? And if you're at home more, are you spending more quality time with them, or are you seen by them as present but ignoring them?
In our case, no, we don't think so. In fact, he's been so spoiled with attention and being included, being right at our side all day, one of "the pack," that we think it will be hell on him if we both return to working outside the home. (He's curled up at my feet as I type this, softly snoring).

But it has me wondering? Have any of you noticed a change in your pets' behavior these past few weeks/months? This might be something that clicks a light on in your head, so I'm passing it along. (Just the neighborly thing to do, right?)
