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So many people walking dogs...do you ever wonder?

I could just see the owners face.
Has she ever been propositioned because of that?
Sadly no, it's usually a "I'm so so sorry" from the owner's.

One of the ones that tried to bend her over was a boxer in the middle of the city centre...

Didn't help the dog was hung and already showing
Sadly no, it's usually a "I'm so so sorry" from the owner's.
One of the ones that tried to bend her over was a boxer in the middle of the city centre...

Didn't help the dog was hung and already showing
Bummer! Could have been the start of a beautiful friendship.
Going the other way, I've had a fair number of intact male dogs come on to me at dog shows and the like. More than once, I've even had a dog stand up with his paws on my shoulders and his sheath opening right in front of my face. Of course, it could just be my imagination running away with me, but maybe not. I find myself wondering, "how can they tell?" Reading this thread, now I know. More likely than not, I'd had my dog's penis in my mouth that morning or the previous night. The dog I just met can smell that and could be wanting to try his luck with me.

Having chatted online with more than one show handler who engaged in various sexual behaviors with the dogs, it wouldn't surprise me. One talked about reserving it as a reward for an outstanding performance.

Some years back, I visited a State fair where the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were doing a demonstration and they also joined the fair's parade.
While wandering through the fairgrounds' stables later, I noticed one one of the Mounties (out of uniform) in one of the stalls with a smallish, black mare. He was kissing and stroking her and talking softly to her. I said, "Sweet little mare!" He replied, "Yes, she is." and shyly turned away. Since no one else was around, I wanted to say something like, "Dude, I totally understand, You're among friends here." I decided it would be a really bad plan and kept quiet.
I have sometimes wondered if people see me and my Shepard walking and wonder about us. I would say if you saw us we would like like any other regular dog owner / pet, but I do constantly pet him and talk to him and there have been occasions where he acts aroused a little. I also can’t pass another dog without giving him a pet and cooing over him or her as well…and saying hi to the owner and all that.

I think there are more of us out there than we realize…and I am sure some people have seen me and suspected
You’re a doll
I just had an encounter with a mare that I just met.... she smelled incredible... and I was kissing her nose, and hugging her neck, and she was all over me..... I was getting so worked up.... and she was even more loving.... I was kissing her ears, and chest and neck.... hugging her with her head on my shoulder, I could not help it... started to cry..... we get to emotional........ nobody was around, but I have had that same thing happen to me when I was interfacing with a cart horse.... (all the tack, and foamy mouth drove me nuts) he was all over me to... and smelled soooo good, and was a little sweaty, which drives me nuts.... The owner was right there..... He said to me "you really love them don't you" I said yes, and of course started to cry too. The emotions are go great... they have to come out somehow. The animals can feel them, and people can see how we are.... I do not see others around the barn or with the horses act the way we do. I cant help it. Everyone has seen the way I am, I do wonder what they think.
I am a man and usually the only one around the barn with the horses, all the rest are women. I am always hugging and kissing the horses, and they really enjoy the attention. I decided long ago, that I am not going to hide my feelings, and deprive them or myself of a good encounter, just because someone may get the wrong idea ( or in this case the right one....) but... I sure do wonder if people notice or talk about me to others.
With COVID-19 and so many people out walking, I’ve come to realize my neighborhood has a LOT of dog owners. Most are clearly out walking their dog for exercise or protection or both. But there are so, so many people with dogs. It made me think about how I’ve joined this community and realized there are so many of you out there like me. So doing the math in my head while I drive to work, I have to imagine some of these people walking their dogs are also like me and hiding it. Sad fact. But still interesting to drive by and wonder, “hmm, are you out walking with your mate?” Just a random thought I had.
I too have wondered who am i seeing right now, and who has crossed that line and live a double life. Sometimes I want to just ask cause I know they are out there ! And so hard to meet
'I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes'

I imagine they're all into it.. Its been quite the euphoric adventure for me, so I imagine it's everybody's little secret
That’s an interesting point. Dogs can mark a territory but you’d think that smell would go away after a shower? But interesting thought.
Trace hormones can be surprisingly strong to their sensitive noses

Plus I think there's similar chemistry in both species vagina so maybe she was just low key horny and he could smell it
The odds of an individual you see walking their dog being sexually active with their dog is small but it's not THAT small. Studies of prevalence vary from as high as 8% in men and 3.6% in women in the Kinsey reports to about 1% in some newer studies. But being sexually active with your animal all but requires the animal to be intact, and in the United States 73% of dogs are spayed or neutered. So, even assuming 1%, if you see an intact dog, there is a (0.01 / 0.27) = 3.7% chance that the owner is or has been sexually active with animals at some point. Not exact science but I'd wager it's a good ballpark.
I love statistics
I didn’t really think about it that way, I’m too busy crossing the road because I run and they just love to nip at us runners. But I’ll hazard a guess at the math with you.

The 1940s study: 3% of women have had some kind of beastiality experience.
That’s a really unreliable study so how about we count porn site visits.
Xvideos: 1.1M unique visits/day
Dirty dog links: 9K unique visits/day

By proxy 9K/1.1M That is 0.8% of the population interested in beastiality.
The percentage may be correlated a little higher with dog owners. But probably not a whole lot.

Tons of issues with my estimate.

1/100 dogs you see being walked by women tops. Probably higher for dogs being walked by men.
Hi always look to see if it’s an intact male then always wonder if they’re into him. Mostly because most dogs I see are no longer intact.
Yes heaps around here most dogs still entire love watching them walk in there dresses or active wear
I recall two totally separate specific instances:

On site, morning coffee break - one of homeowners who was working elsewhere in the subdivision was walking his pooch, who i noticed was not fixed and was VERY friendly. As im greeting the handsome beast after making sure he's friendly, the older daddy dude starts chatting away about he can be a handful and he thinks there should be kennels where his boy can mount bitches and dump some loads and shit. Hassle free. Right there on the curb having smokes and coffees to the whole crew.

My buddy (str8 stone mason who like to get fucked we partied) had a huge blk dog, never fixed. Older boy, but from the moment we met he tried to get my back and my buddy made a remark right away that he want my ass... which made me think he prolly took advantage of his hound's need to breed.

I wish the i had appreciated how pervy these fuckin dudes prolly were.
I used to visit a friend where I had to drive through a dense residential area to get to his house. I would frequently see a guy walking a pair of large golden retrievers, an intact male and a female whose status I couldn't determine. The female's vulva, though, was always quite stretched - looking. I never noticed any visible nipples on her, even when her coat was quite short for the summer, or any other evidence that she'd had pups.

I couldn't help but wonder whose penis (dog or human) had stretched her out like that. Or if maybe they shared her.

My friend liked dogs, so I mentioned having seen them. He told me the dogs' names and that they were very friendly, but the dude was "kinda weird," and left it at that.
I think about this all the time! I do get those vibes from one specific person that I always see walking his female lab. I think I'ma drop some hints the next time I see him.
i know someone who doesn’t have her dog neutered. definitely makes me wonder….
Interesting topic! In my neighborhood, ladies are everywhere walking their dogs. I definitely find myself wondering.
I think the same thoughts as you... :)
I'm bi and there was a girl who I briefly dated over a decade ago. She had just got a pitbull six months to a year prior and he was intact. She was sexually free, willing to do alot of stuff, and I always wondered. Over the pandemic there was a video of an "Audrey" here that was removed for showing her face. It was some time ago, but she had the same tattooes and it was her. I remembered her dog's name was Micky or Ricky and you can hear her say it in the video. Kind of regret not keeping in touch.