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so close....


Zooville Settler
okay....so I get to babysit my straight buddies intact male Lab x Mastiff.......
The sexiest smoothest balls...about 2 yrs....
Anyway...if my buddy isn't present I can easily rub n play with his dogs hot balls and even jerk his sheath
to the point its looking hot n ready....
I soooo badly want to suck it n taste that hot cum but each time I get close to his goods he growls ...
Bugger......so near yet so far...
any tips or just leave it be?
There's that too, but he shouldn't have even been trying to get to the point where that's discovered.
yeah so of course im leaving it alone....I understand what the dog is saying..

although given the circumstances most would be tempted (like myself....)
plenty of vids here with likes for doing sisters/brothers dog etc etc....i
m sure the sibling didn't give their permissions either lol.(....as if.....)

so yes I hear you but spare me the morality lesson...
well plenty of member have liked and more so look I was only sounding out n asking advice..
im sure im not the first one here or last to mind a intact male thats always hard n the thought not cross THEIR mind.

anyway thanks for the reply....
yeah so of course im leaving it alone....I understand what the dog is saying..

although given the circumstances most would be tempted (like myself....)
plenty of vids here with likes for doing sisters/brothers dog etc etc....i
m sure the sibling didn't give their permissions either lol.(....as if.....)

so yes I hear you but spare me the morality lesson...
I’m sorry if I seemed to, but I didn’t want to lecture: I was merely suggesting to try to reach a deeper understanding and relation with the mutt
Likes which come from the same fapping lurker trash who are only here to get their rocks off and give those same likes and adoration to clearly abusive content.
AND you're being general too..just because someone minds someones horny dog n they have fun that is hardly abusive in the context that your implying....go look at the vids similar ...tonnes of likes and not all lurkers...
AND you're being general too..just because someone minds someones horny dog n they have fun that is hardly abusive in the context that your implying....go look at the vids similar ...tonnes of likes and not all lurkers...
Try again. I didn't say the using-someone-elses-animal videos were abusive, but that likes can't be taken as a measure of anything as even videos that clearly show the animal being injured or even already dead will still get likes by the "oh my god that's hot, look at how hard that bitch is getting pounded" crowd. There's idiots that like everything with no regard for context as long as they get off to it.
so what was the plan if the boy let you do all that (maybe even tried to mount you) and later your buddy told you the boy tried to mount him too? was that even something on your mind? that he possibly can pick up on "i can mate with humans too"?

you seemingly taking "porn likes" as a measure of what's okay aside, it's not about some "morality lesson" here, it's about you feeling horny possibly backfiring for the boy... it's not like you can tell them "hey, keep this a secret". i know what i'm talking about, there is a certain boy who lost his balls (luckily "just" the balls and not home) thanks to dumb and horny teenage me... yes, it felt awesome for both of us at the moment, but now it's just something i regret.
Well, he doesn't like your face near his dick - so don't do that. Maybe with trust that'll come, but don't count on that. Maybe just show him your ass and he might mount you ? :p Might be a bit big though if it's your first time - on the other hand some people knotted with saints for their first time.
Well, he doesn't like your face near his dick - so don't do that. Maybe with trust that'll come, but don't count on that. Maybe just show him your ass and he might mount you ? :p Might be a bit big though if it's your first time - on the other hand some people knotted with saints for their first time.
and that is absolutely fair enough...
so what was the plan if the boy let you do all that (maybe even tried to mount you) and later your buddy told you the boy tried to mount him too? was that even something on your mind? that he possibly can pick up on "i can mate with humans too"?

you seemingly taking "porn likes" as a measure of what's okay aside, it's not about some "morality lesson" here, it's about you feeling horny possibly backfiring for the boy... it's not like you can tell them "hey, keep this a secret". i know what i'm talking about, there is a certain boy who lost his balls (luckily "just" the balls and not home) thanks to dumb and horny teenage me... yes, it felt awesome for both of us at the moment, but now it's just something i regret.
ok....I described a scene in which I found myself and was seeking advice....
you've taken the situation ive described n crapped on about likes n this n that.....
AT NO POINT was it ever a consideration I my mind at the time to do anything more than Oral
and given the dogs reaction fair enough....(it was at this point I asked zv for pointers)....
I get YOUR point....im not disagreeing but youre answer/s have strayed a long way from the OP
although given the circumstances most would be tempted (like myself....)
plenty of vids here with likes for doing sisters/brothers dog etc etc....i
m sure the sibling didn't give their permissions either lol.(....as if.....)

so yes I hear you but spare me the morality lesson...
What others do is mostly irrelevant.
There is one exception: If you knew that your buddy does sex stuff behind other buddies' backs whom it concerns, then you could conclude that such behavior is okay when it concerns him according to the standard he set himself. (It could still have negative consequences for the dog though.)