I'm the same way. The sound of them snuffing, snoring, breathing and moving their bodies as they touch me in the bed soothes me. I sleep very well, I sleep for 8-9 hours without waking up. It feels good to fall asleep and it feels good to wake up in the morning with them.

Many people cannot say that about themselves in today's nervous, stressful world.
I don't care about snoring sounds, but only find those of animals calming down. Sort of.
But it stirs stress if they show verbal signs of a dream or the snoring is unusual, interrupted. Then it would be better if they wouldn't snore.
Yea the snoring is super cute. Lately my girl has been having a lot of bad dreams, she does these half barks and growls and her neck fur stands up in her sleep. Sometimes wakes me up and then I have to wake her up and sit with her a bit. Only the last month or so, hoping it will pass.
Yea the snoring is super cute. Lately my girl has been having a lot of bad dreams, she does these half barks and growls and her neck fur stands up in her sleep. Sometimes wakes me up and then I have to wake her up and sit with her a bit. Only the last month or so, hoping it will pass.
Poor girl 😕 hopefully it will pass soon and she can sleep through the night without having a bad dream.