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Small Breast Lovers?

Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
I am one who loves all sizes. Small, Medium, and Large. I am not talking serious back ache and implants. I understand that there are people who look for something a little bigger that what they have or have had other health issues. I greatly enjoy all sizes and they all are an extreme turn on for me. Usually the best way to get me to smile is just a photo of wild, free boobies. Better than a pacifier to calm a guy down. ;);)
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
I love members of the itty bitty tittie committee just as much as those with 32 triple Qs
Tbh i dont care how big her boobs are all it matters is that they are atacheed to my favorite girl. (But if they fit in my hand then i,m happier :3)
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
i love small breast most of all. petite women are my perferred body type for women
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Love small Titties
Tiny titties are the best, love them.

But, I can tell you that men don't care, they love all boobs whether big or small if those boobs are naked in front of them.
I've honestly never cared about breast size. They can be fun regardless of how big or small they are. I've always been more of an ass man.??
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Totally my preference. I enjoyed the Brazilian beauty on my recent visit. She has “AA-Cup”
and I couldn’t have been more into her. Lovely.


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Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
If you are a horse lover and female, to get to know you as long as you have sensitive nipples. I don’t care about your boob size
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Absolutely positively one million percent sexy!
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Hubby certainly does!!
I Like small breast because with the general perspective to the body it make a girl compact and more capable to athletics. Also i love how small breast emphasizes the lower body!!!
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Hey nothing to be insecure over. I have lots of friends who are into both. Personally I've always adored the tomboy look so smaller boobs were always nice.