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Small Breast Lovers?

Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
I prefer small boobs, but all are fine.
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Personally I like boobs of all sizes, a benefit of small boobs though is they tend to be more sensitive so you can have extra fun playing with them
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
Absolutely, personally I prefer smaller breasts because I find them more aesthetically pleasing, they age well, and I'm more of an ass guy. However that's all just a preference, not a standard.
Tits are tits!! No matter small or big!! All men will love them but some might not show you how beautiful and sexy they are just because they are shy. Trust me girl, you are a queen!
Damn, edited it once already, and STILL forgot to say I'd have jumped her bones if she'd offered - she was definitely a hottie on my scale. It's just I thought her horse was even hotter.
Remind me of this story :

“Way out in the country side was two big farms about a mile and a half apart.
On one lived this Old man who had a gorgeous daughter but her father, strict
as he was, never allowed her out much.
On the other farm lived a young man about her same age, and they started
trying to get together but her dad wouldn't hear of it. They got together a few
times when they could but only long enough to talk a minute and hold hands or kiss.
Well one day, the young man decided he would get enough nerve to go ask for her
hand to steady date her.
He walked the distance, up to the door, knocked and the old man answered.
"What da hell you want?" the old man said.
"I come for your daughters hand as my steady." said the young fella.
"Hmmmm", the old man sneered. "What makes you think yer good 'nough for
The young fella thought for a bit... "I'm strong and can protect her because I ain't
'fraid of much, I'm faithful,..."
"HA, faithful my ass, all you young fellers want is one thing and I'll prove it... Got
balls and ain't afraid eh?...Ya see that mare in that field?... You get that bail of hay
and go over and plug that mare and you can MARRY my Charolette."
This gal was beautiful beyond anything and to marry her would be alot better than
dating the young man thought, and thought,... and thought,... and....
Off he went, got a bail, over the fence, and in about fifteen minutes was up and in her
havin at it.
When he got back, nearly out of breath from the runnin, he said "Ok, done it."
"You call fifteen minutes of crap and five minutes screwin done it?... do it right, get a nut."
The young man ran back and over the fence, up the field, and took 20 minutes, all on the
mare this time and got off too.
He got back, out of breath and spent. The old man was laughin his fool head off and said "Man your crazy, but you got balls... Charo..le..."
Just as he started to holler for Charolette to come down the boy said
"Shhhhh, no need to call her....

I want the mare."
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I see that most people (especially ladies) are very conscious about breast size. You girls are all beautiful, no matter if you got hucow udders or small tiny tits. I think men should appreciate more and women should try to become more confident in their bodies.
i love small, medium and big but all for different reason. tho my favorite my a long shot is small. tho i love tits small just so good
Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
I have to be honest I really do prefer women who have smaller tits. They really turn me on x
I like all boobs, but I do think small boobs are nicer, they’re just so hot, plus they look less uncomfortable so that’s nice too
I like breasts that fit in my hand, nice handfulls.
The OP wrote about girls with small breasts. But many use the term girl about non-human females too. Here a well-equipped ‘girl’, the more the merrier? so she should fit here too ?

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Hi there

I just wanted a take on this because I'm curious...

Do people find girls with small breasts attractive? :( I have small boobs and I've never once been told about how somebody likes them or etc.

I just wanted to know if there was other people who appreciate smaller chests like I Do? It's an aspect of myself I'm shy about so I would like to talk to others who enjoy it so I Can feel like i'm sexy for once...

Let's talk about little tiddies!
I find smaller breasts vastly more attractive than huge boobs.
I do find them attractive yes. This could just be me being a dude but titties are always hot no matter the size
The size of the boobs never really . mattered, as long as she keeps in maintenance or tight other parts of her body ;)
small boobs are the best! they're everything I prefer personally with humans
Ive never had any man ever mention mine were too small, women different story. Seems to usually be an issue with other women probably being jealous of your other features that outshine theirs.
Your breasts are beautiful xx