I was lucky enough to get to do this once, Was in Mackay driving around after work, there was a large lab cross walking around, I pulled over and opened the door, he came up to me and was friendly, I let him jump in the car intending to take him home, (his collar had his name and owners number ) but the horny got the best of me, so we went to a secluded park and had some hot fun in the back of my car, after he removed his knot i messaged the owners and took him home, Wonderful times.When I am driving home late at night from work, I fantasies about finding a medium to large dog wondering about, as I stop the car to let the dog into the car and take it home and to let him mount me if its a boy or hope she may be in heat if a girl, then in the morning call the owner to let them know I have found their dog safe and sound.