Sorry for the long title. I know there are a few women here, maybe not as noisy as the men, but I have been meaning to ask this question for quite some time.
If you are a female and involved in the lifestyle (let's say dogs is your fancy), how did you first open up to your partner. Was it early when you were dating? Later when the relationship was serious? Or maybe, you haven't said anything?
I am longing for a relationship with a human, a person who can accept me the way I am. I do have this taboo which I know won't go away. I have tried being "normal", but it just isn't me. Yet, I don't want to "cheat" or go behind my partner's back and engage in sex with my dog as I would feel guilt and shame. At the same time, how do you tell someone that yes, this is me, and if you want me, then you will have to accept that I will be having an intimate relation with my dog.
Not only will you freak them out. You will also risk starting rumours if things fall apart. What is worse, however, is the legality. Tell it to the wrong person, or the person turns on you later, and you will end up with a mugshot and being thrown to the press as the crazy woman who has sex with her dog who then has to be put out of his "misery".
How did you tell your partner? Is there anyway one can do this without hurting them later on, and yet, let them know before the relationship is very serious?
I feel lost as most my friends are getting married, having kids and they wonder, why am I the only one not interested. And yes, I would love to engage with a human male, but it wouldn't be only him I go to bed with.