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Should i accept this part of myself?

This is a subject you will have to reconcile within your self. I would venture as you stated this site is most likely to support you in this subject. As you know society and depending on your family and up bringing may not. We can tell you yay or nay but in the long run it’s totally within you.
hello! i’m new here :) i feel like i’m asking the wrong place about this but when i was about 11 years old i started allowing my dog to lick me. I haven’t participated in nearly 5 years because i’ve been so ashamed constantly back and forth and i can’t seem to accept this part of myself. I don’t care for penetration or baiting but i just get so turned on by licking. is this really okay?
Hey! Just so you know, you're not alone. I have no interest in sex also. I only like kissing, with lots of tongue and drool, and thus, licking. Don't be ashamed.
do you think it will be hard to have a romantic connection with other people if i succumb to my desire with a dog?
Should be relatively easy on forums like this insights like this but you have to be careful again some people aren't so nice so with that being said there's plenty of folks even on here that would be just wonderful but you have to you know do your due diligence and be reasonably aware and enjoy yourself and good luck to you
hello! i’m new here :) i feel like i’m asking the wrong place about this but when i was about 11 years old i started allowing my dog to lick me. I haven’t participated in nearly 5 years because i’ve been so ashamed constantly back and forth and i can’t seem to accept this part of myself. I don’t care for penetration or baiting but i just get so turned on by licking. is this really okay?
It is perfectly ok, don't be ashamed about it and accept that part of yourself.
As long as you respect the PETA principles, I see nothing wrong. Especially that you barely tackle this rabbit hole.

By the way, if you feel like staying more and avoid making/seeing porn, should check out Zoocadia