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I think I should say that right back to you haha. Sorry it's taken me a while. Work kicked my ass and I really couldn't get online enough. I'm glad you liked it! I found Polyphia recently and it's honestly not my "genre". I'm more of an indie, math rock kinda person.

From people who know music better than me, I kinda get why I like Polyphia if they're knowledge is to be believed. They say that Tim (the lead guitarist with the tattoos and the lesbian chic aesthetic) basically comes up with a rhythm that is akin to pop and he and the rest of the band layer all their technicalities on top of them. I hope I'm doing their explanation justice haha.

I did give your rec a listen and I do like it but it was a bit heavier like you said. Not my usual cup of tea but it is going in my playlist.

If you'd like something that is more of "my" thing that I've nonetheless listened to on repeat, it'd be stuff like this:

Camp Adventure, Delta Sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQiibdwDm0c

The Angry River, True Detective (Father John Misty and S.I. Istwa): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnrXhavK-6M

Back on 74, Jungle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3lX2p_Uy9I

Games of Luck (Gamesofluck), Parcels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8mqObs7gv0 (Live version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AwxHCI_BnA)
No worries at all, same here to be honest. It's been hard to find time to pop on here. Don't let work beat ya up too bad :p!

Your explanation totally made sense, and your way to describe Tim is spot on lol. As much as I love listening too, and exploring music. I'm pretty ignorant to the production aspect of it. So I'm not sure how common that practice is, but it seems like a neat way to produce. Lay down a a riff and have everyone else brain storm and add to it, with everyone getting to have a nice little spotlight for their talent.

Holy cow these tracks!

I must've listened to Jungle - Back on 74 at least 5 times before I jumped into writing you back. The song is pretty far out of my genre comfort zone but absolutely hooked me. Such a wonderful voice on the singer. Not sure how to really categorize it though, Pop, Soul, Dance? Pop tends to be a quick pass for me, but this was a wonderful exception!

Delta Sleep - Camp Adventure Was a nice somber track, I've been wracking my brain to come up with a comparison to something in my song library and I just can't. I have plenty of music with a similar blue mood feel but nothing that quite matches. Closest I could come up with Modest Mouse's album The Moon & Antarctica. But even that, well having a somber mood, is a little too energetic at times. A few of the tracks from the band Neutral Milk Hotel come close to the vibe, but still don't hit the mark.

The Angry River - Father John Misty and S.I. Istwa Is a unique one. I've never watched True Detective, so I'm not sure where the music is used but it would be great to set atmophere. It's a beautiful and almost haunting piece of music. The tone and style of the singing almost instantly reminded me of the singer Ben Caplan ( Coventry Carol - Ben Caplan / Fledgling - Ben Caplan ).

Parcels - Gamesofluck Is a fun little funky track. The artists Tame Impala and MGMT are some obvious comparisons that came to mind. The funky pop vibes match their styles pretty well.

Checked out the other two guitarist you mentioned and I really enjoyed Ichika. Marcin was a little too flashy for me. But they are both wonderfully talented.

Well just from these few tracks I got a decent view into your taste in music! What a wonderful spread. Thanks so much for sharing :)
Music for politics season:

The ultimate classic: head like a hole

Lots of good ones by lots of artists, but that one... well, far too often it is the most appropriate.
Great thread! I'm going to have to do some r search tonight and listen to some of these. Here's some of my favorites throughout the years.

Shepherd of Fire- Avenged Sevenfold

Where's My Slice- NOFX

Skate Or Die- Teenage Bottlerockets

Comrade- Belvedere

5 To 9- A Wilhelm Scream

Spillways- Ghost

100 Proof- 88 Fingers Louie

Bent But Not Broken- Face to Face

Honestly Belvedere's whole Hindsight Is the Sixth Sense album is nothing but bangers, I constantly go back and forth on my favorite song from the album.
Glad to see Ghost represented already, I think they were terminally underappreciated but they really picked up steam in the last few years.
As for my Zooey pick I have to go with
Giving the Dog a Bone- AC/DC
just because, well, 😅
So far my top list is mostly indie pop

Beachbunny- Sports, prom queen, and vertigo
Goodkid- Break
and for other genres
Avenged sevenfold- Carry on
The Risk of Rain 2 soundtrack is fantastic, I highly recommend listening to all of 'em. If I had to choose one though, I'd suggest "The Rain Formerly Known As Purple"