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Sexual Preference

I identify as Bi though I've never had much experience with anyone other than women. Also never had any zoo experiences but I'm thinking "what the heck at this point I'm up for anything. Time's running out and I wanna try stuff."😜
Bi for zoo. That's about it. People are so shitty these days that the only people I'd even remotely be attracted to don't know I exist, so I just don't bother.

Hooray trust and anxiety issues
I don't know what it makes me but I love sucking cock and getting big cumshots being squirted on me. Have played with neighbours dog many years ago and would like to do it again. Have also played with a few guys too. Have a gf who doesn't know about my beast experiances, however have been slowly introducing her to the possibility of another guy. She now loves big cumshots like me, but is hesitant to let another guy join in.
I've fucked anything and everything. Animate or inanimate. Everyone has that something that causes that tingle in their nether regions. There isn't a single kink, taste, preference or fetish that hasn't been done a thousand times in the past. It's impossible to think of some new weird fetish that's never been done before. What does it matter as long as you and your partner/s are in consent and all are getting their rocks off? Different strokes for different folks. I prefer female more than males. I prefer mammalian animals. I prefer domesticated over wild. And humans are on the bottom of the preferred list of animals that I like. I'm zoopansexual, I guess. Lol.
completely asexual with humans. no attraction at all.

heterozoosexual. I find most female non-primate mammals attractive, canines most of all.
So I guess after thinking about it I have been calling myself bi for humans, but I think I might actually lean towards Pan for humans. As far as animals I am interested in both genders of mammals but most interested in dogs and horses. I haven’t and successful experience with zoo at all sexually. I have dogs (they had zero interest in me sexually) and have been around horses a bit. Never had a real opportunity, and would like to have a guide for it. Even if it’s just to sample cum. I love eating cream pies from vaginas and imagine that would also be up my alley if it involved zoo cum, human cum, zoo vag, or human vag.
Straight exclusive zoo with a thing for most carnivorans, I guess. Not sure if there's a specific word for that 😅. I'm male btw.
With humans, MY little is pansexual (ALL cummers welcome) and I'm generally straight but don't shy away from anyone in the heat of the moment.

We're both attracted to male dogs, but honestly, never even talked about females. Good conversation for later today!
straight guy, but accepting of potential partners of a different sexuality
100% heterosexual – straight – with ladies … and female animals, with all, that have a cunt big enough to cope with me; love the excitement and lust involved with this interaction, in consensual acceptance and “primary” desire, to be fucked.
However I do love trios, i.eg. having a lady held and kept firmly between me and a male dog, with her receiving an intense, lustful double penetration, deep into her, in a synchronised manner. smile
Asexual. I have zero interest in sex with another living being of any species. Romantically, I have a preference for girls, but I'm not completely closed-off to the idea of a romantic relationship with a guy. I just can't see one working out. That said, I exclusively pleasure myself anally these days.
...Really, I think I can just call my romantic/sexual preferences "a mess". :p