There is someone on Twitter/X, he makes "ponut" (pony donut) fleshlights, he is friends with aer0 zer0 (brony. Nsfw artist).
Those are not fleshlights per se, but the whole butt. They are customs, and he makes other kinds (there is even a Midna one). Price was around 250usd last time I checked (could be wrong, was months ago)
I'm not sure tho if he still makes those, Twitter/X is banned in my country and haven't checked in a while. I'll send a screencap or something in a few hours, along with the username
Those are not fleshlights per se, but the whole butt. They are customs, and he makes other kinds (there is even a Midna one). Price was around 250usd last time I checked (could be wrong, was months ago)
I'm not sure tho if he still makes those, Twitter/X is banned in my country and haven't checked in a while. I'll send a screencap or something in a few hours, along with the username