Sex Breaks


How do you other males deal with sex breaks? At the suggestion of another zv member, I am taking a two day break from sex with my husky, and it has been harder than I thought. I am not having sex with my GSD right now as she has a vet exam soon, and my other GSD doesn’t like sex unless she is on heat. Solo play isn’t as satisfying, and I am craving my dogs. What do I do?
This is a difficult task, but you’re doing what is best for your dog, and that’s tremendous. ❤️ unfortunately, there isn’t anything that will be as satisfying. If you could manage it, what about solo play while also petting and cuddling your dogs at the same time (provided they enjoy cuddles)?
This is a difficult task, but you’re doing what is best for your dog, and that’s tremendous. ❤️ unfortunately, there isn’t anything that will be as satisfying. If you could manage it, what about solo play while also petting and cuddling your dogs at the same time (provided they enjoy cuddles)?
That’s a great suggestion ! Thank you. I will try that soon. And soon I will be able to sex with her again, so I look forward to that day!