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#REQUEST - looking for a very decent night camera

This is by the way my "old" camera, the IR lights started working again...
But Iam not gonna trust this. I opted for the SJ4000 and the removal of the IR filter.
In addition to this Iam going to solder a bunch of IR leds together, use some sort of milk glass to smooth out the light cone and call it a day I guess.


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This is by the way my "old" camera, the IR lights started working again...
But Iam not gonna trust this. I opted for the SJ4000 and the removal of the IR filter.
In addition to this Iam going to solder a bunch of IR leds together, use some sort of milk glass to smooth out the light cone and call it a day I guess.
I have a very similar cmera to your one. Bought it in the Action-Markt for about 10 Euros. The quality is poor, the manual bad, the keypresses very unhandy to achieve a function. I believe you will have a very much better cam with a SJ-4000.
Im Action-Markt haben die auch solche Action-Cams für ca. 15 Euro. Vielleicht mal investieren und probieren? Action-Märkte gibt es in NRW am meisten, vielleicht ist ja einer in Deiner Nähe?
I've never heard of "Action-Markt" and the province "NRW" is far away.
I have a similiar cam like that posted in my picture above, it works good but has a mere 90° lens which is absolutely not suitable when I have full body contact with my Ostriches and the camera needs to be close.
okay I got the camera, but Iam having an issue with the audio. It keeps cutting out, like every 30ms and comes back after 5ms.
its like the sound is on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off in a very very regular fashin.
Anyone else with this cam having this issue?
SDcard is a 64GB Sandisk Ultra Class10, so its fast enough
OK LOL, I found the issue, its an VLC issue. In my video editing program the generated MOV file play audio just fine...
okay I got the camera, but Iam having an issue with the audio. It keeps cutting out, like every 30ms and comes back after 5ms.
its like the sound is on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on-off in a very very regular fashin.
Anyone else with this cam having this issue?
SDcard is a 64GB Sandisk Ultra Class10, so its fast enough
Have you tried the latest firmware update to see if that helps? http://support.sjcam.com/support/solutions/folders/9000065704
Okay, the IR MOD for the SJ4000 is done, I removed the IR filter glass and used my old tiny 1x1x1" camera with IR LEDs to test it out.
Now I need a proper IR light source, preferably 5V.
I soldered 3 IR LEDs together for 5V and have two of these in parallel, I could attach that to a small battery bank.
Looks promising so far!


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