Rediscovering this site after a long time

Hello there! I'm a 27yo transfem(pre-hrt) furry, specifically a synth who enjoys roleplaying games of many varieties. Well, enough dallying now, I love animals and hope to one day own a cottage with a horse, a cow, and dogs, creating my own little slice of natural beauty.
I'd love to make some friends and connections and see where this takes me.
Welcome again to the site! That sounds like a very good dream and life goal of yours to own some animals with your own place. I know I would find it very fantastic if I did something similar but unfortunately I don't think that's in my cards haha but I'm hoping once I'm financially stable that I could get myself a Border collie!
Also do you do much rping with your synth? I'm an armored dragon in terms of furry stuffs. I even have some artwork of my character
Welcome to the forum, I too am a furry. My fursona is a folf (fox wolf hybrid). That sounds really nice having your own place just to yourself to live in peace with your animals.

Well if you want to chat, you're more than welcome to send me a DM on here :3
Thank you all for the welcomes and likes! That's the dream anyways, don't know how feasible it is for me to obtain, hah.
I don't rp a whole lot since I can't really commit to rp time because of my job and other stressors happening in my life, I'd love to see your artwork of your character though.
Welcome again to the site! That sounds like a very good dream and life goal of yours to own some animals with your own place. I know I would find it very fantastic if I did something similar but unfortunately I don't think that's in my cards haha but I'm hoping once I'm financially stable that I could get myself a Border collie!
Also do you do much rping with your synth? I'm an armored dragon in terms of furry stuffs. I even have some artwork of my character
Thank you all for the welcomes and likes! That's the dream anyways, don't know how feasible it is for me to obtain, hah.
I don't rp a whole lot since I can't really commit to rp time because of my job and other stressors happening in my life, I'd love to see your artwork of your character though.
Okay that's fine if you can't find the time to Rp, I was just curious is all! I understand how life can get busy with things and not having time for such things.
And for sure definitely once you are able to message people (I forget how many posts you need to make) I'll definitely shoot you a message with all the artwork I have of my character! You'd really like him he has a brilliant set of armor
Okay that's fine if you can't find the time to Rp, I was just curious is all! I understand how life can get busy with things and not having time for such things.
And for sure definitely once you are able to message people (I forget how many posts you need to make) I'll definitely shoot you a message with all the artwork I have of my character! You'd really like him he has a brilliant set of armor
Cool! It's like 10 or something I think, it might be a while being an introvert makes it tough to make posts!
Cool! It's like 10 or something I think, it might be a while being an introvert makes it tough to make posts!
Damn hahaha I can imagine it would be a bit unnerving for an introvert to get pass but I'm sure you can do it! I did them as quick as I could and posted on alot of things I found on the site. Doesn't have to be long posts either just enough to show that you are there making them posts