No it’s pretty simple, just a hollow cylinder basically. The magic of the dragon cum is that it seems to warm up very quickly and stay warm, plus the toy itself is fairly dense silicone which works as a great insulator so it keeps your body heat in fairly well.
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If you really wanted to get it up to the proper body temp of a bitch it’d probably be best to stick it in a bowl of water that’s like 110F or so until it absorbs a decent amount of heat. Haven’t tried it myself so who knows how long it would stay warm. It’s only got 1/4 the specific heat of water so it will have proportionately less energy to transfer to you and keep you warm. You’d probably get better results by warming the dragon cum, be careful though since you could easily burn your twig and berries, maybe boil it in water like you’d do with a baby’s bottle.
Definitely an interesting idea, next time I have the whole house to myself I’ll give it a shot and let you know how it goes. For science of course.