Yeah, many people will agree that it is your natural right as an omnivore to eat animals that you can prey on. People tend to feel like that. And even more people will agree that it is a crime against nature to have sex with these animals. So be aware that alluding to a natural order of things backfires when one discusses fucking members of a different species.
I'd say that it is not an ethical argument in either case. Have a look at–ought_problem . The fact that some animals are preyed on does not imply that you ought to do so, or that it is morally right to do so. The facts that sex in these species has the function of procreation and that you, as a human, cannot procreate with animals of a different species do not imply that you ought not have sex with them or that it is morally wrong.
That would make sense if animals strictly stuck to their own species. But just like humans, they have exceptions that will mate with other species. So an argument can certainly still be made that interspecies is a natural thing.
As long as animals can live a decent life before being brought to the slaughter I don't see any problem with it. And as a hunter i'd bring up a similar concept that we'd NEED to continue killing wildlife to keep up with conservation. We are the most vital part of the food chain since we have the intelligence to micro manage species.