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Questions about sex between women and boar/pig.

Fucking spellcheck/autocorrect... I mispelled Endometritis and it corrected to endometriosis. Different conditions. I have the former not the latter. For some reason the autocorrect in TorBrowser thinks Endometritis isnt a word. :rolleyes:
FWIW, -itis is far more common than -osis.
Probably because Tor was created by a male...worse, a whole committee of them...and worst of all, the damn fools were intelligence computer geeks. A bias is guaranteed.

The question comes up far too often, which at least suggests those asking it ARE NOT reading before they ask, but wish to be spoon-fed in neat little bite-sized biscuits.

And of course, if you aren't telling them what they want to hear, miz Ally, you can't possibly know what you're talking about.

Somehow, the bozos on the bus have all gotten the idea locked into their (dare I say it?) brains....with nary a thought for biology or anatomy. They do not seem to get that biologically, a Cervix is intended as a lockout device.

What may happen with a sow when she is bred is not a measure of what can happen to anything else that hog breeds. Add in that there is 2,000,000 years plus of mostly upright walking, which does complicate pregnancies, and the idea of cervical penetration and a uteral "fillup" is a pretty childish representation of interspecies sex.
Unquestionably, for the majority of people here, their knowledge comes from movies, or at best, stroke novels. Even those who have knowledge of one thing may not have a clue about others. I have often stressed that viewers see what the videographer wishes them to see, no more, no less, because that's what sells vids. Bruises, scratches, pained expressions and cries are edited in or out, depending on what the maker wants.
Add in one more thing....Male Hogs breed anytime after six months, but they need the presence of at least one experienced sow to learn their trade.
There are also anatomical differences in the way a pig ejaculates( not straight ahead, but sideways, from two openings, and with some force). There are quite a few records of ER visits in Eastern European nations for injuries to bowels because of this anatomy....it seems like if a woman took on a pig honestly, she'd be hospitalized for excessive bleeding within minutes of the occurence.

Put that all together, with a bit of perspective. The nits know nothing, but when someone offers knowledge, and it doesn't fit their acquired world view, well, hell....its GOT to be wrong. The question will keep returning, like clockwork, because they can't be bothered looking, and because they can ask a female, and hope that more than words will be involved in the resolution...Its probably a losing battle, because even if you wrote a book on that topic, or anything involving the organs they covet, but do not have, they wouldn't read it....The cub scouts in the locker rooms of the world have spoken....and of course they get gold and silver arrow points for that knowledge. Didn't Forrest say "Mama said 'life is like a box of stupid' "?
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I have a question with anyone really experienced. I must admit i have not read every reply in this thread so it might have been mentioned. My apologies if it has. However, my girlfriend and i are into animals. We both indulge. We have a huge yard and we want to maybe get a piglet, and raise it as a pet, tame and friendly and part of the family. We are both rather intimidated by large boars as their strength can hurt you if they arent used to you. So start small. Raise right is the idea. So on to my question. How do you turn a boar on? How do you make him horny and “train” him that if one of us bends its his time to do his thing?
Youd better be looking at a potbellied pig, and find one with somewhat known bloodlines. A full grown hog will weigh over six hundred pounds....even a potbelly will go anywhere above three hundred, regardless of promises made by breeders. ..those sweet little critters in the petshop grow up. And in order to get a pig breeding youll need at least one sow. Its a fair investment of money, as well as dangerous if you dont normally keep pigs. Don't believe everything you read. There are resources from Universities here....I know, because I put them together. Read. Then read some more.
Probably because Tor was created by a male...worse, a whole committee of them...and worst of all, the damn fools were intelligence computer geeks. A bias is guaranteed.
Nah this has nothing to do with TOR, it has to do with whatever software library they are pulling in that does the spelling check. The nice thing about open source is that people can re-use other peoples work.. the bad thing about open source is that people can re-use other peoples work. :ROFLMAO:
From all that I've read here, I realized one thing, it will be easier to breed a new kind of boar with penises at the right angle. Gentlemen, let's not waste time arguing and get down to business.
That's so supremely sexy...the thought of an animal ejaculating his sperm into you, giving you an orgasm.
That's such the female part of being a woman. Penetration. Ejaculation. Yes.
You’re so right. And it’s such a personal thing too. You’re taking another living things body part inside your own. I take it really personal. The most intimate thing any woman can accept.
Oh boy. It has been well established here many times over that this does not happen and would be extremely painful and harmful if it did.
There are a lot of masturbaters here who IMAGINE that's the case and will tell anyone who will sit still long enough to read it, that its a thing, but, it's a jerk off fantasy.

If you have ANY sense of awareness at all and you ever HIT one, one look at her face should tell you all you need to know about that concept.

Hitting is bad enough, and it does happen, but, it's NOT pleasant. Outside a fetish for the pain of being smashed on the cervix, any woman is going to tell you FUCK THAT.
Here's a free tip though........if you are talking to a woman HERE who says anything like that happens, or that she likes it.....you're talking to a MAN.

If you're fucking her for real and she says that, SLAP her. If she doesn't cum, she's lying.

PAINSLUTS like that. Everyday women do not.
Without wishful thinking, dog/pig sperm would simply get lost inside woman (correct me if I am wrong), before even entering uterine cavity.
How do you facilitate entering uterus for animal sperm while keeping harmful pathogens away? Which conventional methods of treating infertility would both help and be safe? Medical cervical dilation? Cervical mucus thinning?
And which sperm (pig's/dog's/horse's) would most likely pass cervical mucus and enter womb (have more compatible mechanisms of navigation inside of woman)?
You would not feel it, so it would just be you thinking it happened.
Which is absolutely not worth the risk.