Hi all! I needed some rest after the stress of getting this issue resolved here on Zooville. I want to thank those who have been kind and supportive toward me, and also let you know I will respond to your comments and questions in due time, which will take a while. I’m not always able to read or reply, but I’ll do my best. Please be patient with me.
I’m glad to have reclaimed my identity, exposing an imposter on Zooville, but this is only one website. I’m certain that asshole will continue using my content to impersonate me on other websites and forums. Stopping him will be difficult, if not impossible, and will require much hard work to resolve. I hope my struggles will serve as an alarm call for all true Zoo lovers to band together for a safer, stronger Zoo Community.
You may think my personal struggles have nothing to do with you, but this situation is far from unique to me. This is more than “something that happened to someone else.” Ultimately, this problem affects each of us, to some degree. I may have “won my case” here on Zooville, but it will soon become an empty victory if we don’t address greater issues facing the Zoo Community, starting with a shift in our collective mindset regarding the way we use content.
For now, I’d like to focus on the obvious problems that stem from posting content that doesn’t personally belong to you, regardless of where it originated, or whether or not it’s “already out there for anyone to see.” Perhaps we can ALL AGREE, posting content without consent has become a serious problem for individual owners, and a greater threat to the Zoo Community as a whole.
Therefore, I propose an we adopt a new rule that “It is NOT acceptable to post or re-post photos or videos if we are not the true owner of that content; the owner of content is the same as the owner of the ANIMAL in said content; and being in agreement, committed to making the Zoo Community a safer place for all: we WILL NOT POST ANY CONTENT (on Zooville, or anywhere else) of any ANIMAL we DO NOT OWN.”
Simply put, “If you don’t own the ANIMAL, don’t post the content.” Period!