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Problems with zoo Acceptance

There will always be bad actors out there and for any group to suggest their group doesn't contain a few is delusional. The people who make up a group typically run on a spectrum as humans are all different so even if they share a cause, they will approach it in different ways or expect different things from it. If you want to compare this to the LGBT folks than look at many of their parades back in the days when they were fighting for acceptance and you had the average ones walking with signs and in normal clothing while you had others "expressing" themselves in bondage gear and preforming sexual acts on the floats. Its hard for a group to police all of its members to keep the minority from making the majority look bad since the public will ONLY notice those making fools of themselves and thus making people assume "they all act like that". Feminism has gotten a bad wrap in the same way with the current wave of feminists who go above and beyond with their cause like extremists and taint peoples opinion of feminists till there's many women who won't even call themselves that in fear of being lumped in with the crazy ones.
Being into animals is something that spans the globe and to all cultures and some are more accepting of it than others. I imagine most of you are based in the USA which was a mainly Christian founded country so it follows those sets of values mostly to this day. Also many religions are about making more followers so any thing that decreased the numbers (being gay for example) is frowned upon at best. Also the idea of allowing humans to have relations with non-humans brings up MANY future legal questions such as marriage to said partners and the legal rights said partners then have as it'd suggest putting animals on par with humans and thus question animal testing by science or simply ask what animals we can and can't have relations with and start a fight as to why we have that limit. Love robots are just down the road and as AI advances, that question will come up there instead of with zoos if they get there first.
Would I like to see zoos at least decriminalized in general? Yes as it has the same effect on a person mentally that being in the closet had for gays. If it was legalized, would I want to see zoos showing signs of affection (making out with their pets) in public? No, as I don't even like seeing humans making out or going over board in public. Brush your dog, pat his head, rub her belly, ect. is fine and we don't have to "think of the children" as they say because we're not doing any thing questionable where people can see it. With that said if it was legalized I'd suggest the criminalization of fence hoppers to the extent of rape if caught in the act. I know many of you might think that very harsh but with it legalized it'd be no different than you sneaking into their house to do their wife or husband without their knowing. Plus putting some limits, some checks and balances in place would help put non-zoos at easy.
I'm sure I could continue down the line of thought pointing out some more problems as the thread's topic is asking for but I want to end on this note, zoos aren't persecuted that badly currently compared to some other sexual groups, especially when you consider you can search GOOGLE for links to zoo sites and websites like this one exist.