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Because Stami doesn't know her history or other peoples heritages. Stami assumes that it is a right wing symbol. It is, and has been for over a millennium, a symbol of Ukraine.
And the Ukrainian Nazis. I also do not know what this always has to look here? :rolleyes:
Because Stami doesn't know her history or other peoples heritages. Stami assumes that it is a right wing symbol. It is, and has been for over a millennium, a symbol of Ukraine.
And the Ukrainian Nazis. I also do not know what this always has to look here? :rolleyes:
As per our rules: "Please keep topics ON TOPIC. No matter the thread a person is viewing. Please ensure posts remain on topic, do not derail to cause flame wars, or simply name call."

This is not the thread for a political argument.
As per our rules: "Please keep topics ON TOPIC. No matter the thread a person is viewing. Please ensure posts remain on topic, do not derail to cause flame wars, or simply name call."

This is not the thread for a political argument.
It would be nice if nationalistic symbols were not mixed into the photos. There are also russians here and certainly people from donbass. There is no reason to post nationalistic symbols in the photos! Where should this end?