Post Some Pics of Your Partners

I really do want to remind a few people who might not know, that this thread is visible to everyone on the internet, without logging in. While the pics are mostly G rated, you probably don't want someone to piece together personas and tell your employer where you're posting? Kind of a paranoid take, but just something to keep in mind if you care.
I really do want to remind a few people who might not know, that this thread is visible to everyone on the internet, without logging in. While the pics are mostly G rated, you probably don't want someone to piece together personas and tell your employer where you're posting? Kind of a paranoid take, but just something to keep in mind if you care.
Not paranoid, there may be others that know your partner as well as you do, dogs not as much but equines especially those that reside in a public setting, It's a slim chance that others may find this site let alone this thread but always best to err on the side of caution
My new kids
Lucky you! Those are some gorgeous pals. Bet you get all kinds or love, compassion, and companionship judging by those pleeasant, friendly expressions they have. They look so friendly and approachable. Awesome. Everyone who loves dogs should be this blessed.