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[POLL INSIDE] A Case Report of Zoophilia in Aceh Where Lack of Education andFamily Supervision can be a Trigger

How was your upbrining?

  • Close

    Votes: 39 7.2%
  • Religious

    Votes: 73 13.5%
  • Strict

    Votes: 45 8.3%
  • Distant

    Votes: 62 11.5%
  • Single Parent

    Votes: 74 13.7%
  • Sheltered

    Votes: 39 7.2%
  • Loving

    Votes: 136 25.2%
  • Abusive

    Votes: 57 10.6%
  • Unloving

    Votes: 14 2.6%

  • Total voters
"CONCLUSION: Zoophilia is another paraphilic disorder involving disapproving individuals characterized by
a persistent and intense pattern of atypical sexual arousal manifested by sexual thoughts, fantasies, drives, or
behaviors in which the focus of the arousal pattern involves the animal. This case is rarely reported because sufferers
think their actions are not harmful, lack of parental attention and supervision may be one of the causes of this

Well, this couldn't be more wrong for me.

First, my focus was on women, not animals. I range from a general dislike to neutrality towards most guys, so when I was looking up porn in my teens I hated seeing men in the videos. I started with watching lesbian porn, tried all kinds of stuff, then lo and behold! I found zoophilia.

Second, I had more parental attention and supervision than almost everyone I've met. My father did his best to keep me under absolute control, by way of physical, mental, emotional, social, any kind of force. I understand this may be a perverted corruption of what they were trying to say, but it technically checks those boxes.

Third, I am currently in college, so I definitely don't lack an education. One of my favorite pastimes is learning things just to learn it, whether by reading books, looking on the internet, or hands on work.

Over time, my focus began to be centered around women. As in I came second, them first. If an animal is what they want sexually or emotionally, then they can go to it before me and I won't mind a bit. I can get along with men, but I'm much less patient if they start being assholes.
Oh so another group of "researchers" from an undeveloped country trying to undermine and classify zoophilia as something inherently deviant and pathological using a flawed logical approach to explain it. The most pernicious researcher so far is Anil Aggrawal and his zoophilia classification levels, I cannot warp my mind how an exclusive zoophile has a more serious classification that a sadistic or homicidal zoophile, what logic is behind that classification?

I had a good upbringing, both parents, they cared as well as other close family, I had access to education, engaged in sports the arts and finished college, also I have a job, I consider myself to have good human relationships. So I do not fit in such profile at all, yet I would be classified as a VIII class zoophile (regular zoophile) if we only talk sex acts because Its all about sex in those research papers, rarely they do dwell into the attraction, romantic and caring aspect of zoophilia.
I had a strict religious childhood until I ended up gay, a furry, and a zoo. So "supervision" worked in the opposite way it should have lol.
Also, as a bottom, I would like to point out that I'm not harming animals unless they want to fuck me first. There's this preconceived notion that zoophilia only involves the animal being fucked, and that is very much not the case.
I had a completely normal childhood for the most part. At least a very decent one. And I didn't think of anything zoo like until I was a teenager.
The poll results on here are not what I thought they would be - quite comforting that zoo appears to be distributed along what I would assume to be a normal distribution of childhood experiences, however of course there is currently a low "n" count and no control group. Also of course the location of this poll could miss the numerous users who use this site solely for porn. Having said that, I think these prelimary results should offer reassurance to others that zoophilla is probably not a result of a broken childhood.
The news, studies, documentaries... always will use few cases of disturbed or traumatized people, to relate the zoophilia with a disease, disorder, paraphilia...
always point it out as something bad, harmful and in need of treatment or cure.

This will always happen while this be socially unacceptable.
What a pitty?
I wanted to add: As for the education part. I find it even more laughable considering I have several degrees. What is this article trying to claim? That people who have sex with animals were not only neglected emotionally growing up but have inferior intelligence as well? I'm sorry but my IQ is much higher than alot of the mouth breathers Ive met that WERE NOT zoo who only graduated high school. This article is biased just like every other "study" that claims to understand ALL zoophiles. It's just propaganda to get people to not like us even more. To see us as all the more inferior.
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If you look at the poll, it's a clearly mixed bunch, and most selected option is loving, which usually family are, so just a normal cross section of people. So as most of us have pointed out, teh study seems to be another which already selected their conclusion and then worked their way up there. I definitely agree that a random poll in a forum is not replacement for scientific studies, however the paper doesn't feel scientific enough.
so what you're telling me is that Aceh might be a decent bet in regards to zoo
now I just have to figure out how not to get killed for being gay and I'm golden
Bullshit abounds...

I'm still waiting on the study that shows a distinct line between those of us approaching zoo from a loving and respectful way, and those that end up with animals because no amount of deviance is enough for them.

Unfortunately when the outside wants to lump zoos in with pedos, it's that latter group that they are looking at.

One look around the forum here and it doesn't take long to see 1. That they are the largest crowd here, and 2. That they are the loudest and most noticeable.

They like the idea of animal orgies and God forbid the one guy with the thought of the walls covered in fake animal twats to rent out by the hour.

I'm waiting for them to realize that the ones they need to study are the quiet ones, not making waves, not making content, not sharing their partners, not "hosting", and the like.

I've got to agree with most here.

My upbringing was probably fairly normal.

I can't think of anything that happened to me to be attracted to animals except that I found people to be generally pretty shitty and liars, whereas animals don't lie too well.

I don't think of this as a disorder at all..

Sure, I'd rather have it as easy as the norms, but in all actuality, I'd rather be the way I am, to be able to see this world and the people in it for the shit hole that it is, and be able to live my life quietly and in peace with the critters..
Small town living healthy family relations. Always had trouble connecting with people irl so ended up turning to animals for friendship.
I'm not so sure you can characterize my upbringing in one word. In my case, it wasn't that at all. I just saw something at a formative time and it's stuck with me. Nothing to do with my parents either. And now, much later, I visit interesting websites like this.
Dad recently admitted he had cheated on my mother before they had me. (with my aunt) He said I was the result of the only time they had sex that entire year. My mom drank, smoked, and whatever else, at least until she knew she was pregnant with me. To say I was unwanted is likely an understatement. Divorce soon followed and the little I knew of the world was already falling apart around me. My mother tried her best, but she is not a very loving person. The only time in my life dad told me he loved me, he was face down on the ground about 4 seconds later. I used to have to go to his ''house'' on the weekends so I rarely got to be with friends. He would basically lock me in the truck while he went to work. Some days it would be so cold you wouldn't want to get out of the little greenhouse anyway. The dogs that belonged to my fathers clients were some of my only friends, and I used to play with them all day if I was allowed. (not sexual)

I am sure I'm on the spectrum. I used to hit my head against anything until it bled as a form of stimming. While I've calmed down a lot, I am still the destroyer of all rocking chairs, swings, and headrests. I was never officially diagnosed because I grew up in a small town, where they lacked the resources to care for all the special needs kids as it was. I remember being taken out of class quite a few times in elementary to take ''tests'' but I was cognitive/intelligent to the point that they considered me good enough to re join the rest of my piers. People made fun of me a lot for rocking, and this is likely where my general dislike for people started.
I trying to lightly look over this report, but at the same time I cant stop and thinking that some political parties or groups *cough* like PETA *cough* will use this report as the one and only to push some kind of anti zoo law thing.

I havent read the report, but out of reading this thread it sounds like it is heavily bias. I would even go so far to say that it isnt a real scientific research in why some people turns to animals and pets for love. And out of what I had seen lately with the different conflicts in the world right now, which I wouldnt name here as it is off topic and most likely would belong into DF section, which Im sure some would know what I mean. There had been "falses" reports of different things or stuff not claiming that works because "experts" saying so and so. Some of those reports had turned up in the different news media or social medias which had divided waters between those that support x and those that support y

All this just making me wonder: "Had we as a humanity sunk so low when we did all the high things that some would think would be impossible?" For the survivle of the humanity, I dont think we would go far when we cant look past the differents between us over small matters
Not sure if anyone has seen this. I haven't read it simply because of the title. Though after seeing a recent review, I decided to take a look.
I don't have much to mention, but will quote some parts I read and give an opinion. Also I welcome anyone else, and I also included a poll which I don't think was ever put up. But I think for future surveys it can be useful and I will also add to this in a current Zoophilia Wiki post I'm working on.
This poll is anonymous.

Given that this report is talking about one person, a patient aged 37 whom only finished Elementary school, and did not have a great upbringing. Personally, I'm seeing this is claiming Zoophilia as a whole.

Relationship with my parents were. I guess so-and-so. Didn't seem like the typical white picket fence style family.

Edit: I made this thread a few days ago, and things got in the way, so opening it up to anyone else.
The authors 'conclusion' is a pile of BS! I get SO tired of all these 'experts' pontificating on their biases under the guise of objective knowledge! In ANY objective, scientific study a single data point is NOT reliable to draw any type of reasonable conclusion from. I just want to vomit and take a baseball bat to such morons. Sadly the human world is overfilled with them...
My parents loved me, but they were way too strict and religious, I definitely wanted to rebel, but long before I found out about zoophilia I was already using the internet as an escape. Games, communities, lit erotica, porn/masturbation were all my private ways to not have to deal with all that. Finding my first video of a dog and a woman having sex changed my whole perspective about my own sexuality. I thought I was into guys, but I was immediately much more attracted to the idea of making love to a dog and the more I found out about it the more I was sure I wanted to do it. The only thing my parents had to do with that was not ever getting me the dog I begged for.
Loving family for sure. And I can say I have nomadic family because we traveled a lot when I was teenager. I have great contact with mum ans dad, they was inspiration for me. Thanks to them I finished chemistry in University but once I was close to leave my study. I got full support and Im very grateful.
About zoo and my dog.. well once my parents was really close to uncover my secret. My dad is rather conservative and he probably wouldn't accepted my activity.
Mum is more open minded and I think she may be a second person (after my bf) who should know about my experience with Wolfie. But I have no plans to tell her, it may be heartbreaking.. or maybe not?
I had a loving family with very little supervision and lots of freedom to browse the internet etc.
I feel like living in a rural area and no having prying eyes are big factors. people are much more likely to act on their forbidden desires if there's less chance of getting caught.
Nunca entendí su problema con la zoofilia. Cuando lees la CIE y la zoofilia se clasifica como "parafilia", pero cuando vas a ver a un terapeuta, a la mitad de ellos ni siquiera les importa y no consideran que la zoofilia sea un problema en sí.

Y si su terapeuta piensa que la zoofilia es un trastorno, ni siquiera sabe qué hacer porque no hay suficientes investigaciones.

Siempre es triste ver que después de 20 a 40 años de investigación en zoofilia, los científicos sólo han logrado descubrir que nos gustan principalmente los caballos y los perros.
big true!
The questionnaire could give interesting answer.
But it is made out from a case report about one man who told about ”frequent contacts with cows” for two years.
I certainly will not participate and don’t understand this ‘report’ was published at all. It conveys no real information.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have posted, because I just hope this thread vanish.
need more options
like the ho hum option
both parents worked, not real invloved in my life, mom tried to give us a bit of church occasionally, so we at least had some basic ideas on god, from the baptist perspective. No abuse. Little love type expression.
My biggest influence was likely being small town rural in the 80's .... no kids within miles for me to hang out with.
Farm kid .... so those puberty thoughts pop up with no clue why or what ... animals around to cause those thoughts.
Dogs caught my sexual interests, and was fascinating enough to focus all those thoughts on, and were very happy eager participants in my studies and sexual learning.
For me, nothing was ever planned or thought about before hand. Some thing happened to direct my thoughts some where or thought just popped up at the right time and poof, most if not all experiments for me happened spontaneously. Never a real thought about what i was doing doing or why, just the why not thought and go for it.
Sitting on the back porch which is a step higher then the ground, dog likeing scratches and such steps up on porch beside me as i keep it up... hard not to notice a sheath wagging back and forth with a pink tip poking out. Can't stare at it long hypnotized before trying to feel that furry sheath shape. Things just kinda kept escalating from there ....... more fascinated at every step i took. Squeeze my hand around him a bit harder to really feel the shape, and you end up with a dog humping your hand, natural instinct in shock... grab tighter ..... WOW .... end up with a WTF WOW knot in your palm getting bigger as he goes for broke. Instant addiction to jacking dogs off.
Tell me more please I’ve had a similar reaction to my family dog this thing with a small dick would sit in front of me with its tip out so eventually my sexual thoughts got the better of me and I grabbed it and now here I am jerking thinking about dog pussy and cuming
a case study with a subject pool of 1 shows their understanding of scientific method and evaluation of the subject matter is flawed and highly likely biased and prejudicial . i say fuck them and what they think of os.