Hi, everyone,
I still have to pinch myself over how much this thread has grown. I never expected it to get so big, or so popular. There are a few regular posters, and quite a few "new-joiners", and it has been drawn to my notice that I really ought to re-state what this thread is all about... I have added a little bit about courtesy to posters.
From Page 1:
"This is meant to be a thread for non-bestiality/non-porn pictures and video clips.
Anyone may post erotic, artistic, sexy, wildlife photos and short clips they have found. They don't have to be the last thing you saw or saved, they just have to be worthy of being shared with the Zooville community. I would like this thread to be a little oasis that you can scroll through and enjoy.
If you can vary what you post, that would be nice.
Rules: Non-bestiality. Non-porn (you make the decision as to what constitutes "porn", but no overtly obvious hardcore) There are already places for those.
There has been an observation made: some of the regular posters, myself included, post more than one image. It is courteous to allow them to finish posting before making comments or starting to upload your own images."
I hope this helps everyone. I don't want, or even expect, people to get snarky with each other. I am required to be polite at all times, so I would like this thread to reflect that, too.
Please, all posters and those who just enjoy looking, keep on doing what you are doing. I love going through this thread, when I have time. Thank you to everyone!
Pretty_Vixen, xxxxx