Very beautiful...Just on a different style ?
Old, but incredibly refreshing images
- YouTube
W YouTube możesz cieszyć się filmami i muzyką, które lubisz, przesyłać oryginalne treści i udostępniać je swoim bliskim, znajomym i całemu ś
Technically two, but far sexier conjoined....
Just what the Vaquero ordered
Lions, not Tigers, all bare, oh my!
These guys are holy terrors....I watched one chase a squirrel into a bush ... on foot....The Squirrel escaped because the Hawk couldnt quite fit through a space the squirrel could. I suspect the next squirrel that hawk hit paid extra.
Theres a place here called Chickadee Ridge where these little critters will eat out of anyone's hand. They like Sunflower seeds and Piñon Seeds. Its at about 9000 ft. Easy trail