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Option to block people to prevent them from seeing/ replying to posts that you make and prevent them from DMing you or posting on your profile.

There is. You can choose to ignore what they write by not reading it.

You can not force someone to not be able to use the forum because you do not like them. That is not fair.

You can ignore them using the ignore button and then you will not see their posts. If you also use the ignore option when leaving a conversation with them, you will not get any further PMs form them.

You can set your profile to be private and then nobody can write there.

Effectively if you use the ignore button, you loose the ability to defend yourself by hiding their posts from yourself.
The better option is to grow a thicker skin and learn to deal with a little hostility from an internet nobody on an illegal porn forum because all they can do is hopelessly try to insult you.
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Is it possible to know if someone is ignoring you. A woman might be ignoring me - but I don't know. I can see what I wrote on her profile page and I still write the conversation to her. Also I liked one of her messages. She said to me - so you're going to be my stalker then?
It's gone totally weird - even for this place. 🤣
If I tell you her user name can you check to see if she's ignoring me? We were doing fantasy sex stuff. So she wanted me to stalk her. But maybe she doesn't I don't know. It's confusing. Thx
If I tell you her user name can you check to see if she's ignoring me?
No I can not. Perhaps higher admin groups can see that, but I sincerely hope nobody would even consider doing that.
This is an option users have to be able to get away from annoying individuals. If she wants to contact you, she will, if she is ignoring you, you have no right to bother her anymore.
It’s sad that there isn’t really a way to do this.
This is exactly how Facebook's system works and it's very good. Disqus works the same way.
I also think it is outrageous that other systems do not choose this option, but only a hide function.
Telegram does not provide any option to hide users.

There is no way to see who is ignoring you. If you're talking to someone and suddenly they don't answer, but others do, then you've probably been ignored.

I now have at least 150 people on my ignore list. I'm running out of patience.
What would be nice to have - a block option like Facebook, where you cease to exist to the person you block. As for now, members we ignore can still see our content, download it and reupload it to the unmentionable sites.
And that is the correct way.
Your dislike of someone must not prevent the other person from using the site normally.
You should not have the ability to limit someone else just because you personally do not like them.
This is not the right way. The advantage of a complete 2-way ignore is that it eliminates the problem you mention ("you loose the ability to defend yourself by hiding their posts from yourself").
This ignore is necessary because it makes the forum better if you don't have to communicate with annoying people.
There are no prevents, the other member can use the forum in the same way, but he can't see my comments. This is how it works on normal websites.
There are a few people who want to prevent this at all costs, they are the people who get enjoy when they see others fight with each other, because the two-way ignore doesn't work.

"The better option is to grow a thicker skin and learn to deal with a little hostility from an internet nobody on an illegal porn forum because all they can do is hopelessly try to insult you."
And with that, the whole forum turns into one big fucking Dumpster Fire.
Why is it so hard for you/all to understand that a full-fledged ignore function is useful...
Why is it so hard for you/all to understand that a full-fledged ignore function is useful...
That's not how forums are structured. I challenge you to find any forum that offers such. A forum is a place of PUBLIC discussion, it comes from the ancient greek forums, open spaces where people/groups could freely gather to soapbox anything. As a person stood on a soapbox preaching about apollo they couldn't say "no, titanicus isn't allowed to hear this because I don't like him and choose to ignore his preaching about hermes".
I'm just abit unhappy because I miss her. I've been like inter-dumped 🙁
And I never annoyed her. It was something else.
Is there a thread where you can find women who say they will do conversations with people sex chat stuff. I'd rather do conversations because of time-zone stuff.
I'm just abit unhappy because I miss her. I've been like inter-dumped 🙁
And I never annoyed her. It was something else.
Is there a thread where you can find women who say they will do conversations with people sex chat stuff. I'd rather do conversations because of time-zone stuff.

Don't be that guy, just let it go. You win some, you lose many. That's just the nature of life
A forum is a place of PUBLIC discussion, it comes from the ancient greek forums
That was ancient times, and today is today. Trolls, flamers and idiots and dickpic profile pictures.
The problem of the modern age requires a modern tool, it's called ignoring.

Or the other solution is to tighten moderation, but this is not possible on an illegal sex forum.
This is not the right way. The advantage of a complete 2-way ignore is that it eliminates the problem you mention ("you loose the ability to defend yourself by hiding their posts from yourself").
This ignore is necessary because it makes the forum better if you don't have to communicate with annoying people.
There are no prevents, the other member can use the forum in the same way, but he can't see my comments. This is how it works on normal websites.
There are a few people who want to prevent this at all costs, they are the people who get enjoy when they see others fight with each other, because the two-way ignore doesn't work.

And with that, the whole forum turns into one big fucking Dumpster Fire.
Why is it so hard for you/all to understand that a full-fledged ignore function is useful...
What about if someone ignores you and then starts trashing your reputation on the forum? In your plan, you can't see what he's writing about you and possibly not even the thread to know this is going on at all. That gives the ignoring person a decent amount of power over you and what you see.
Yes stalkers do - they learn to be good 😘 that's for dudette. Hope she's happy. We got riots over here 😲
The only good stalker is a former stalker.

In general:
Don't stalk people.
If they don't respond right away, don't keep spamming them.
If they don't respond at all, don't pester them.
If they value the conversations, they'll return in time.
If not, they probably have good reasons for that.

And most importantly:
If they don't like the conversation to continue, you dig yourself in deeper by continuing to pursue them. If they notice, they'll feel justified and by ignoring you they feel like they dodged a bullet there.

I know, it's easy on the web to obsess over people, especially when taboo sexual stuff is involved, it just feels great to have someone likeminded to talk to, but it's equally as easy to make people uncomfortable and to drive them away, so if someone responds less and less, take the hint and reflect on the possible reasons for that, instead of replying more and more. That never ends well, for neither party.

Obsessive behavior and stalking are a slippery slope into more dangerous, anti-social territories, so be better than that and leave the person you're obsessing over her space. She either will get back to you at some point, or she won't. And if not, you'll find other people to talk to.

Just remember: TALK to people. Don't STALK them.
Yes stalkers do - they learn to be good 😘 that's for dudette. Hope she's happy. We got riots over here 😲
Well, the ones serving life sentences might..................Normallly, I'd call this a hint, but, since stalkers never notice hints.........work on developing some small shred of awareness...........notice that you creep people the fuck out, and fucking GO AWAY. IF you were as cool to talk to as you seem to think you are, they wouldn't bail on you, would they?

It doesn't take much effort to not be creepy, maybe turn a new page and try it and see if you don't get better results?
Well, the ones serving life sentences might..................Normallly, I'd call this a hint, but, since stalkers never notice hints.........work on developing some small shred of awareness...........notice that you creep people the fuck out, and fucking GO AWAY. IF you were as cool to talk to as you seem to think you are, they wouldn't bail on you, would they?

It doesn't take much effort to not be creepy, maybe turn a new page and try it and see if you don't get better results?
There's always room for improvement...
...if people want to improve, that is.
On the flip side, this also is enabling to those who engage in selfish hurtful behavior.

In my irl business most people start as nice, overly cooperative, and act almost like they're trying to befriend. Then after I've invested a lot my time trying to work with them, if they decide on alternative plans many let me know by ghosting me. The moment the usefulness ends, it's like I cease to be a human being. I find the fake friendliness gross. There are a lot of people who tell me getting regular bills for money they owe is "harassment" and "stalking".

The prior posts made me think of that kind of behavior, but instead in socializing. "They probably had a good reason" - eh, how often is life going to get that hard that a message to politely break off a conversation isn't possible? Definitely not as often as it happens. Then "creepy", kind of like "cringy", there's no criteria for that. Anyone can be discredited and dehumanized and made responsible for other's behavior by being called creepy whenever it's convenient.

The other side is treat people with respect. Otherwise, expect to be treated as if you disrespected someone. Expect your reputation to be affected if regularly disrespecting people. It's all context dependent so yes going too far will make it stalking, no arguments there.

I know on this particular website, female harassment is a huge problem... I just like every discussion to be fairly weighted.
What about if someone ignores you and then starts trashing your reputation on the forum? In your plan, you can't see what he's writing about you and possibly not even the thread to know this is going on at all. That gives the ignoring person a decent amount of power over you and what you see.
I'm totally confused about the Ignore button too. 😲
What about if someone ignores you and then starts trashing your reputation on the forum? In your plan, you can't see what he's writing about you and possibly not even the thread to know this is going on at all. That gives the ignoring person a decent amount of power over you and what you see.
Oh no, my reputation on an obscure beastiality forum where 98% of the people don't contribute OC.


If people don't like you because you ignored them and want to talk bad about you, who cares? If they're that shitty, others will recognize it too and disregard what they're saying.
I stopped conversation with zoo forum dudette about 1 week ago. 🥹 Because I gave up on getting a reply.
Never hurt no babe not never. I wrote on her profile page once but I can see it, don't know if she can. If I tell you her user name you can look on her profile and see it.
Yeah stalking is total obsessive stuff. I was never stalking her - just told her I stalked women in England. She's USA. Still scared her off. 🙁
I stopped conversation with zoo forum dudette about 1 week ago. 🥹 Because I gave up on getting a reply.
Never hurt no babe not never. I wrote on her profile page once but I can see it, don't know if she can. If I tell you her user name you can look on her profile and see it.
Yeah stalking is total obsessive stuff. I was never stalking her - just told her I stalked women in England. She's USA. Still scared her off. 🙁
Bonus points for being honest, but you probably know why this fact would creep people out right? It's really something you shouldn't consider doing, especially if you care about someone.
There is. You can choose to ignore what they write by not reading it.

You can not force someone to not be able to use the forum because you do not like them. That is not fair.
That's funny, I've seen replies to comments i can't find and when i try to search for the their poster, forum says i dont have permission to see that content. So the ignore button is actually a block button or am i missing something?