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Official Zoophilia study by Michael Bailey.

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Why is zoo-sexual experience required?

I'm sure there are many more zoos out there that simply haven't had the opportunity to experience love with an animal for numerous reasons.

I've considered myself zoo for well over a decade, but have never had a sexual experience. Don't have the space, time or money for a mare partner. Also the legal consequences are far too strict where I'm at.
Cant test drive a car if you dont have a license... that was a shitty metaphor but you get what it means
Anyone care to explain the reasoning behind this limitation- or do I misunderstand it? is it due to a suspected level of trolls/agent provocateurs among text only posters?

Not really, those are preffered group because ease of verification, I am pretty sure that verification using posting history is possible yet it require more extensive verification which may not be applicable if one person has to verify hundreds of accounts.
Seriously though, if you truly wanted to research zoophilia, why would you not want as large a sample size as possible? What good does constraining the participant demographic do? Unless your research was very narrow for example: what makes zoophiles who produce porn tick? But what good does that do for the rest of a community? I don't think this Michael guy's intentions are honorable in my opinion

the researcher isn't the one limiting the parameters.
the researcher isn't the one limiting the parameters.
correct. I was aware of that.
But I've voiced my concerns about this survey.
A constrained sample size has it's pros and cons. I feel the cons outweigh the pros in this case, but that is just my opinion
I also don't like what I've read about the researcher, nor do I feel the need for such an in-depth look into zoophilia when the result is likely (based on the sample base) to further create discord among zoos and non zoos.
I think no matter how progressive the world becomes, zoos will always be looked upon unfavorably until such time the language barrier between and human and non-human can be broken. There will always be those who think that animal sex isn't consensual because the animal can't communicate. I know that isn't the case, animals communicate differently. But those with closed minds (and most people in positions of power have the most closed minds of all) will always ague against us.
This research proposal will be an interesting case for the ethical committee of his university department. I had the pleasure of dealing with such committees a couple of times, so yay. As for sample size, it will depend on his research proposal whether a large sample size is needed or not.

Just a consideration for the moderators here and those who end up participating in this research: please ensure it is clear from the onset what research participants can share from this forum and what not.
I hope the study, if Professor Bailey gets approval, will be less focused on Erotic Target Identity Inversion than the furry study. I'd like to see it as a side dish not the main course.
More about the kinds of bonds we form, whether its emotionally or sexually driven for most, how much the average zoo values their animal and its wellbeing, and other things that would be interesting and important to know for zoos and non zoos alike.

Hope we can gather enough people for a meaningful sample size.
I’m not sure if I trust such research, however I haven’t seen any questions he might ask or that I would qualify for the group. But if I do he’s welcome to pm or email a spreadsheet. What’s on it will be answered with things i feel comfortable coming forward with. We can always forward our answers to mods for additional security if that would work out. There was research done on us before in a book written by a woman who’s name escapes me. But I never had a chance to read it for myself. Hey this may be one way we can get out there without outing in harm and maybe shed some positive light on us. I’m just not sure of the outcome. Is it for us or just props for a researcher getting in a lucrative group. We are in a way the illuminati.
Well I'm pretty sure I would be a good rep. But at the same time, my "wordage" wouldn't be the best impression. Although with enough collaboration, I think we could really nail this.
Hopefully its good though and not something that will make our situation worse than what it already is.
What are you afraid of? Science just observe and report, I doubt that the data will be adulterated. And the bad surveys against zoophilia where conducted only in prisons or criminals. Will there be creepers or ppl that see dogs as meat bags here? Yes, but that's why ZT is selecting before the survey
Hopefully its good though and not something that will make our situation worse than what it already is.
How much worse can it get? The only thing I can think of is if it spurred a witch hunt, but while these are crazy times I doubt they'd go that far....yet lol.
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It would be great to participate in this and bring some more science into the world about the taboo subject of zoophilia, but I have little hope with the criteria as is considering I don't actively post about my personal activities.
Our team has been in contact with michaels team. Its been productive and some tweaks are going on with the survey.

Please don't forget to apply, I check the applications once daily and AGAIN if you have a special circumstance please PM me about it.

What are you afraid of? Science just observe and report, I doubt that the data will be adulterated. And the bad surveys against zoophilia where conducted only in prisons or criminals. Will there be creepers or ppl that see dogs as meat bags here? Yes, but that's why ZT is selecting before the survey

There's no taking the people out of the science of people. Social science, will always be to some extent a product of it's time and culture. Look back at the social science of a lifetime ago, and it's obvious how far we've come, how tragically inept and absurd some of our observations and practices where; What's harder to imagine, is that a lifetime from now we will appear just as inept and absurd.
I would definitely would love to share my experience of being zoosexual for research purposes. I'm willing to help in any way I can.
If there were a tentative viewable copy of said survey at this point, I might be interested (it is nice to know what questions are asked, and thus the overall feel of the survey after all). Good psychology (and study), even if goal oriented, SHOULD come across with no obviate bias in the questions towards any goal after all. It's a little unfortunate that those who are zoosexual/zoophillic, yet unable/unwilling to have/post current experience are unfavoured in reply as of yet. Still, keeping responses curated is understandable, even if the first impressions left weren't quite on the mark.
Seeing as I have no experience as to how accessible or discoverable this site, thread, or accounts to post here are; knowing the entity that is the Internet it really is a good idea to comb the potential responses just a bit.

part of me wishes it was easier to foster intracommunal trust to help serve that service for you. still, guess we can just wait and hope, and watch our animals/asses in the meantime :p
Not that I would do the survey, but very curious to know some of the questions
If anyone is willing to post them. who knows may learn something about myself
I guess it would help if we knew how the research was going to be used, I don’t mean to sound cynical but I just wouldn’t want it to be used in a negative manner and affect the zoophilia community in a bad way! Hopefully it’s just to gain more understanding anyway ☺
Wanting to find out what makes our minds click for fun with paws, hooves , scales,snails or any creature not human, with a pulse.

Once, I was asked if I thought masturbation was wrong.
My reply was, it's conditional, it depends on what you are doing with the other hand.
My answer was a result of being in a relationship with a bipolar hag.
To this day, the most twisted minded cruelest energy I've ever met, that was housed in human flesh.
I certainly hope that the results of this study will be posted on the pages of this website in return for our cooperation! So many of these studies are based on arrest/conviction records ( some of which can be read here on ZV)! This provides a glimpse of what I call the “beast/rape” side of zoo.
I like to think that beastiality has evolved recently to a more cooperative relationship between humans and animals. Maybe I just unintentionally filter out people who enjoy a cruelty aspect in their zoo relationships, but I hope this new study might reveal a kinder, gentler side of beastiality!
Looking forward to some results here!
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