this is a super interesting thread to come across.
i'm a transman and ever since i can remember i've hated the way my labia look, not because i'm trans (although i'm sure the intense dysphoria i had before hormone treatment didn't help), but because they're lop-sided. my labia on the right side is longer than on the left and it's always upset me. i've always thought that it never looked right, i've never seen anybody in porn whose pussy looks the way mine does.
that being said, everyone i've ever dated or hooked up with hasn't commented or even seemed to notice. these days i get compliments on how testosterone's made my clit bigger and that's it.
seeing a bunch of people here saying "well i don't care, pussy's pussy" is refreshing. you see so many picture-perfect pussies in porn that it can make you forget at times that normal bodies are, in fact, normal lol