Look, for what it's worth I didn't come in here to "spew talk about how free I am" or argue with anyone. All I said was it's ok to love your country and I have my own value system. You're only as oppressed as you let yourself be. I never said I was any better than anyone else. I never said my country was better than anyone else's either. You asked for an example of a place where you could go to jail for free speach against laws or country, not somewhere less free than the US. I just used disobeying zoo laws as an example of being free. Don't put words in my mouth now, because you up and attacked the medical system and measurements here unprovoked. I can see you like your country too though you don't shout it out so to speak and I respect that. I respect your opinions as well. Pissing matches get nobody anywhere.
What is freedom to me? Living how I want, no matter who hates me for it or says I can't do it. Which is all I've been trying to say here.
As far as the "got to a point in life to be able to own a house" pride event, that I can get behind.