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My boyfriend is sending mixed signals

He might still be processing. I know some things are knee jerk know when I first hear about them but after thinking about it for a while I might be more open to it.
can't give advice on this one because it is so tricky. i hate it that i can't discuss things with others. my husband knows and one of our close female friends, and another girl i hooked up with knows. i had to do the verbal dance to see where they stood and to make sure they wouldn't freak out. i hope it works out well for you.
I would love to talk if you needed someone to talk to!!
honesty is always the best policy when it comes to relationships.... even more so when it is about what gets you wet and your kinks.
great time to approach this is bath time for your puppy, while you are both washing the puppy get the dog hard and see what happens and approach the subject...
you could be opening the door to the most amazing sexual chapter in your whole life.
Okay so when my boyfriend and I got together last year, he mentioned animals were a hard pass.

Fast forward to now, we have our first male pup together, he is 5 months old and is starting to develop. A week ago he mentioned a comment about our pups testicles, and a day or two ago he mentioned our pup had a “fat cock” his words.

Im a bit confused and unsure. I want to let him in on my “secret” but I’m concerned it was just a comment.

probably he mentioned as a shocking thing (i remember when i saw a dog's cock for the first time and said "damn... that's a huge cock for a small animal" , still i would "joke" about it to see his reaction, something like "really? that impressive? i want to see it too" and once you see it "damn, how does a bitch take all that!, wonder how it would be!".

also you can always check his internet browser history (key word zoo, knot, beastiality etc), if you get results then he watches this kind of content and you can go for it.
He could be joking, just weird, or something else, don't jump instantly to he's zoo unless he keeps constantly sending signals, Especially since if you're wrong, he'll probably hate you and even expose you. Always remember, when you tell someone, you can't take it back.
Okay so when my boyfriend and I got together last year, he mentioned animals were a hard pass.

Fast forward to now, we have our first male pup together, he is 5 months old and is starting to develop. A week ago he mentioned a comment about our pups testicles, and a day or two ago he mentioned our pup had a “fat cock” his words.

Im a bit confused and unsure. I want to let him in on my “secret” but I’m concerned it was just a comment.
Those kinds of comments are very benign and don’t mean anything. I would be very careful about reading into them to hear what you want to hear.
You may be able to escalate the conversation little by little to see where he draws the line, but do so cautiously and with an exit plan (it was a joke, or you said it first).
But if he told you from the beginning that animals are a hard no, that’s the most concrete Eve fence you have to this point.
Bit late to thenparty but need to say:

Feeling a pups testicles is not a zoo, but a normal thing to check if they have both descended and developing fine, so I would considerca totally normal thing to comment everything looks fine 🤷

I had a similar conversation with my vet when she felt there and commented they were already down and fine, and I said I had not been able to feel them there but I believed her.

And "fat cock" forcsurevthat is a guy"s thing to talk about. I've gotbthat many similar conversations at the dog oark, including one where the guy joking how he shed a tear when he saw the size of that compared with his own.
...guys talk...
Okay so when my boyfriend and I got together last year, he mentioned animals were a hard pass.

Fast forward to now, we have our first male pup together, he is 5 months old and is starting to develop. A week ago he mentioned a comment about our pups testicles, and a day or two ago he mentioned our pup had a “fat cock” his words.

Im a bit confused and unsure. I want to let him in on my “secret” but I’m concerned it was just a comment.
Maybe bring it up playfully and see how he reacts