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Miss Dory - I forget stuff.


I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
Hello and welcome to the forum.. Hope you find what you're looking for

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
Welcome to the Cot, miss...Youll find a lot of good info, and some good people here...not everything is informative, not all users are trustworthy, though some are. The harmless ones are here to yank the crank, but there are also those with dangerous ideas and bad intent. Use your head. And the Mods ARE your friends. Glad you made it.
Is there away to block people? Seriously folks, at least ask how I am before asking me if Zoo is my only kink. I’m not shy but a gal likes to be woo’d ya know?
Anyone asking if you have other kinks may be looking for things not permitted here....and if you see or hear anything you dont like in private messages, copy it to the mods. We have some real winners here
Erm not sure I’m ready to say in public. I’m less than an hour from Hampshire.
A lot of the dumber users here make a terrible habit of providing their personal identifying information to others.

There are folks who have answered so many “what’s your occupation” followed by “what’s your age” type questions, that one could collate their response information and outright google them.

Don’t be one of those people here. You stand to lose much and gain nothing from giving out your info in public. Be pragmatic and safe.
Welcome! I lurked for a year before really opening up and talking to people, and it's been relatively great so far. Don't let a few over eager eggs ruin it!!!
Welcome hope you enjoy your stay.
As many other have said read the rules.
They are moat of the time self explanatory.
You know no underage stuff (i mean seriously) no pic stealing that sort of thing.
What might be more specific here is the love and respect towards animals so the no torture/forcing or animals part read carefully.
About dms you need 10 post anywhere not counting fun and games sections.
And ofc remember this is a wonderfully delicious lifestyle but at the same time it is taboo in all places and illegal in most countries.
Protect your and others privacy.

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
Hello and welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy it here.

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.

You forget stuff like Dory, but can you speak whale??
Welcome to the zooville community, lady
Wea re vey happy you are here.

Zooville is a very special place: make good friends, always protect you identity and your privacy, learn good things, offer good feelings, enjoy and BE HAPPY ;:

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
Welcome from FRance Miss Dory
Nice to see another woman here who's talking! It can definitely be a warzone here, but it's also one of the few safe havens for zoos. I hope you've a lovely experience getting to know everything. Beyond the sheer amount of horny posts, there's a plethora of crucial information that is very useful.

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.

Hello miss Dory
Greetings from Paris France 😘



I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
welcome to the forum! i hope you find what you are looking for here :)
if you ever want to talk im always up to met new cool openminded ppl.
have a great day :)

(finished reading and now there is no memory of what i said)

I thought I should introduce myself “waves”.

New to the site, not as new to Zoo. I’m going to lurk in the background and take everything in. I’m happy to make some new friends, virtual for now, who knows in the future.

This is me because I know how many of you are visual and I’m an attention slut. Okay, maybe just a slut.

No DMs for now. I don’t think I’ll get them until I’m out of probation.
Awesome. Hi Dory!
I forget stuff a lot too. I think it's the depression
I hope you find everything you need here. Msg me whenever you want and I look forward to seeing your adventures in the future. 🧡