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Men. What are you hoping for on this site?

I first joined the site with the thought in mind that maybe I could meet a woman who is interested in zoo. Finding that person in normal, everyday life seems so risky. The longer I've been here, I've come to realize that meeting that woman on a site like this is equally risky and too unlikely. I don't know what the ratios are on here but I imagine there are maybe 50-100 hungry dudes on this site for every female. I don't want any part of that dynamic, no thank you. I guess, in a way, this site has taught me that my interest in canines should just remain private in the real world and I should just keep it separated from my relationships with people.

So, I came for the dating possibilities and I've stayed just because it's nice to "hang out" with people who are into some of the same things that I am. Most of us don't get to talk about zoo topics in real life so this is the only outlet for us. Plus, the porn section is a good place to go to relieve a little built-up tension once in a while if you don't have a partner to help with that.

Every now and then you come across a pretty valuable thread that allows you to learn a thing or two about the proper way to navigate this lifestyle. Reading through people's opposing opinions on things is a good way to develop your own moral stance on how things should be done to ensure that you aren't being abusive to any animals.
I'm here to chat with like-minded people who share my love for horses and other equines, including my boyfriend who has an account here.
Trying to figure out what my feelings about zoo are all about and reading perspectives, talking to people!

I'd appreciate it if anyone who has this experience would be able to speak to the experience of working through the guilt, shame, fear... maybe years of suppressing these feelings. Would appreciate a DM from anyone of any background on this :)
Conversation. Which is almost impossible to find. I'll talk to anyone unless they give me a good reason not to.
yup me too, conversation. So long I thought I was alone, then the internet, then a few sites appeared very commercialized....that wore off fast for me. Then I found this site, seems safe, no ads, and most here seem so "normal" a bit of everything.....I like that. Then there are the strings of conversation....for the most part sensible and it doesn't matter if someone has a different opinion or likes or hates or creatures they are fond of be it two legged 4 legged or other....most here have respectable conversations with diversity. If something leads to more like encounters so be it, you are an adult, that responsibility is yours alone.
Initially, was in it for the porn, but after realizing there was a section dedicated to finding local zoos, and with the community seeming pretty welcoming, I'm thinking about meeting some new friends.
Trying to better understand my preferences, urges and life choices. Connect better with the community, improve my mental health.
Update my response, after reading posts from various woman, correspondence with a couple I’d actually like to strike up a friendship with a woman gain some trust, set some ground rules and maybe meet. I realize both, my age, the unnecessary risks, their privacy, etc, most likely preclude this meeting fruition. Having said that as Gretzky once said; you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take).
I'm mostly looking to chat and build friendships with others who are like minded and have similar interest. Most of the time the people who message me just want to hear about my experiences, think I can help them get experiences, or just want to try to make everything sexual.
I myself as a man am here to connect with others who understand this part of me. Hopefully I can make some personal connections with real earnest people in this community. I've had but one person I have ever shared this info about me with. He too was of genuine heart in his one and only physical relationship with his dog/lover Max as I was with my dog/lover Xena. I'm just tired of feeling alone because I couldn't ever freely share. My lover has been passed away over 10 years now. Yet have I to even attempt another connection on that level. So in short, not all of us are here to fuck anything with a hole and a pulse.
I've been debating this (as a man myself).

I love the fantasy but I think for me, if I could find a woman that would let me share their intimate relationship with animals it would be the hottest thing. There's something about watching a woman climax to an animal that seems incredibly genuine and "raw" in a way.

Curious to see what gets others off.
Here for community. This doesn't strike me as a dating site lmao
I think its more of a place that doesnt pass judgement down, theres no way finding a SO would be possible especally in the merky grey area of the subject depending where you are its more balck and white then grey. This is a safe place to atleast "scratch that itch" within reason. Just dont exepect anything from it. Thats atleast my opinion.
Perhaps naive, but I came here in search of community, only then to find out that "the zoo community" is not much different from mainstream society: a multitude of opinions and attitudes. And that is fine. Not every topic here is a hill I would like to die on.

Anyway, with searching for community... it would be great to chat with people about anything zoo and beyond, but what I find really difficult is actually reach out to people to get to know them better, because I always fear that I'll be seen as some sort of creep. So, I basically just remain hidden, even here...
Mostly hang out, just chatting, usually I enter here on +18 mood and read some post and watch porn.

At first I wanted to learn where and how I could get my first zoo experience but after reading for a while that idea seemed more unlikely and rude to the owners as I read opinions here.
I am here to meet people and talk openly and frankly about zoosexuality. I'd love to meet people in person at some point in the near future. I'd like to learn more about what it means to be a zoo. I want to ask questions about what people's experiences are as well.

I don't know whether I'll find this through zooville or not, but I would really love to find (an) intimate partner/partners who is/are positive about zoosexuality. I think in order to date anybody I'd have to ask them what they thought about zoosexuality soon after starting. I don't think I could seriously date anybody unless they were at least neutral about zoosexuality.
To begin with porn, then just learning about and trying to be a part of the zoo community. Then I discovered other people into otters. Now I don't know, force of habit makes me check in every once in a while I guess
Basically I'm just here to chat and talk with other people who share my same affinity and love for animals as I do, share experiences and perhaps develop a friendship. It's obviously rather taboo so you can't just bring it up in general conversations with people you meet in person so this is the next best thing.
Yeah that’s why I’m here as well. To find a shared experience which brings some kind of connection
Interacting with women that are into Zoo. I doubt I would ever meet IRL or anything (not opposed.. just unlikely) but it nice to be making friends and have DM's and everything. I think I have actually made sincere friends with two women here!
What am I looking for on this site?

For me personally, I’m not looking for a connection with another on the deep emotional level, I am looking for a sense of community.

For years I have had this desire and craving to be with a dog, but, never knew anyone else with that same interest, thus a degree of loneliness existed in my life. To finally find and be able to communicate with others that share the same interest and passion has helped to fill that proverbial hole in my life.

Now to adopt a dog :)