I've met a few over the years, if anyone remembers the old BF i met a guy from my area who had 20k posts. We didn't really hit it off. He was going through a messy divorce, and still lived with his ex wife and mom. But I got to hold a flashlight while he worked on his truck in the parking lot... He moved out west last year.
I know other zoo boys with dogs not to far from here... But I don't trust them enough to go over or reach out. One is an ex of a friend who has been known to attempt to blackmail him , so that's a no.
Another one I met online , we had some things in common, he knew my ex bf , I asked about him , everything seemed pretty chill. I went to meet him one night , immediately I could tell he was on meth. Against my better judgement we became friends and had fun off and on for a few months. But his drug addiction took it's course and he became basically insane. He eventually told two of his meth buddies about our activities, who in turn ended up telling my ex , who confronted me about it. I just played it off like , " yea right, we've been fxcking dogs together" I said " the guy is on meth everyday he doesn't know reality from fiction".
Yea I played it off, but on the inside I was screaming ?. I eventually confronted this guy about telling his friends about our activities. But he became verbally aggressive, started getting violent so I left. Blocked his number and Never went back. He's still around the area years later and he's still on meth. I wanted to get even with him , but I ended up moving away. Last I heard he was homeless and insane.
I eventually told my ex it was true and that I didn't feel bad about it. I'm glad I did it just not happy it was with a crazy meth head.