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Meet Up Experiences


Have you or have you not met up with people from this site? What was your experience like? How did you know that you could trust the other party?
I haven’t really met up with anyone from this site. I’ve only met a small handful of people that I would consider meeting up with at some point. Taking that step towards moving things from online to reality is just terrifying.
Had a girl DMing me a while back and everything inside me screamed out “bad idea”
Not sure why but we never met.
Still keeping my fingers crossed to one day share on here the Zoo version of “How I met your mother”
Had a girl DMing me a while back and everything inside me screamed out “bad idea”
Not sure why but we never met.
Still keeping my fingers crossed to one day share on here the Zoo version of “How I met your mother”
Yeah, I feel like it’s best just to go with that gut instinct. There’s so many things that could go wrong with all of this. It could be a cop/FBI agent, a zoo hater looking to out you, zoo hater looking to hurt you, an actual zoo who just turns out to be psycho, a catfish who might go psycho if you decline their advances in person, or just a straight up murderer. There’s so many outcomes that are awful and only one or maybe even two outcomes that are positive.
Yeah, I feel like it’s best just to go with that gut instinct. There’s so many things that could go wrong with all of this. It could be a cop/FBI agent, a zoo hater looking to out you, zoo hater looking to hurt you, an actual zoo who just turns out to be psycho, a catfish who might go psycho if you decline their advances in person, or just a straight up murderer. There’s so many outcomes that are awful and only one or maybe even two outcomes that are positive.
Wow 😳😳😳
You’ve thought this through lol
Wow 😳😳😳
You’ve thought this through lol
For a person with high anxiety, I watch waaaaay too much true crime television… 😅 But honestly yeah. You’re risking a lot for some potential sex. You could be risking your friends and family, your job, your lifestyle, your status, your sanity, and your life… just to possibly get your rocks off.
For a person with high anxiety, I watch waaaaay too much true crime television… 😅 But honestly yeah. You’re risking a lot for some potential sex. You could be risking your friends and family, your job, your lifestyle, your status, your sanity, and your life… just to possibly get your rocks off.
I literally just watched all of the seasons of criminal minds again and I worlds worst serial killers cued on Amazon.
Not sure why I find that funny but made me chuckle a bit
But I agree 💯 on the risk vs. reward analysis
I literally just watched all of the seasons of criminal minds again and I worlds worst serial killers cued on Amazon.
Not sure why I find that funny but made me chuckle a bit
But I agree 💯 on the risk vs. reward analysis
Gods, I’ve watched all of criminal minds more than your average senior citizen. Truly, it’s just a phenomenal show though.
Had alot of lengthy conversations with people, but no meets yet. Had one couple bail out on me 3 times at the last minute and finally told them not to contact me ever again.
If it's just to get your rocks off and satiate a sexual appetite then for sure it's not worth it.
True true. If there’s a possible relationship to build, then yeah it would be much more worth it. But from so many conversations I’ve had on here, most guys just seem to be desperate to get their rocks off than anything else.
man- Building trust and getting to know someone on here takes way tooooooo much effort just to get off. Sex alone isn't worth the hassle, but a real relationship is.
Well, I have met folks on the old beast forum site, not just for the sex, but to build friendships. I'd have to say it was much easier pre COVID and alot less worry about scammers or law
I haven’t really met up with anyone from this site. I’ve only met a small handful of people that I would consider meeting up with at some point. Taking that step towards moving things from online to reality is just terrifying.
This. It was a lot less scary back in the early days of BF before there were hate groups looking to crucify us all over the Internet
In what way?
@pes I just meant you seem like a good genuine person who has had real experiences with people from this site. Usually the staff members know who the real and the fake ones are and it seems you are the person to come to for help including meeting first timers and helping them with their first experiences like we seek!
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i've chatted with a few people that I would be willing to meet up with, but so far haven't.

I have met people from other sites and just have to use your best judgement and hope for the best
One of the biggest steps of adventure is the gamble of meeting someone from here. I was on ZV about 3 years ago and met 3 or 4 folks. Only one turned out to be a really bad experience