good news: me and my cat started dating! she's fantastic and such a beautiful creature.
to everyone that's been actively attacking me because of my lover of choice and got me down to lurker again, it really only shows how low you are and are still gatekeeping about who to love even tho this fourm is all about having a safe space, shameful.
but i'm not gonna let the bad apples ruin my experience on here, even if some of them happen to be mods.
thank you to the people who have been supportive and on my side this whole time, me being harassed and bullied over something so stupid shouldn't even happen here. we're all on the same boat
for the sake of this i'm gonna reply this with i'm not being hostile in anyway, am i angry? a little but i am in no way trying to attack or cause any trouble. it's more of just an update and a reminder to those that being zoo is more than just canines and sex, it's all about interspecies love and that's it. i just want to exist without getting attacked is all, again i am in no way trying to do anything harmful. thank you for reading this