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Mating with big cats???

My understanding of the matter is this:

Lions are not like dogs. Dogs have had 32,100 years or so to get really really good at understanding human behaviors and mannerisms, and some scientists even believe they might have evolved unique adaptations just for getting along well with humans.

Even wolves have problematic behaviors as adults, compared with dogs.

Basically, a dog is to a wolf as a geeky, hyperactive, way too talkative, and naturally beardless IT worker, who watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and dreams of being one of the first people that settle on Mars, is to a gruff construction worker that looks like Sylvester Stallone, smokes non-filtered cigarettes, does not even like his own mother, and has actually killed people with his bare hands. They might be the same species, but they are not really the same animal.

I would be a lot more interested in a lion that had been consciously selectively bred for domestication over a course of several generations. If you can find me a male that likes being on bottom, then I might even fuck him cross-eyed.
Your best bets for big cats are: cheetahs, Bobcats and lynxes. Thsts pretty much it as they have a low morality rate atleast from what it seems. Cheetahs are known to be very non-aggressive to humans and will only attack in self defense. Bobcats and lynxes are realistically too small to hurt you so you should be fine on those. Lions and tigers? Sadly nope. They will kill you if gone unfed for a while, and need tons of land for their living space. Even if you get a cheetah/big cat license, its restricted to gaurding you and your property. You cant just take your cheetah for walks, you cant just let them run free like a housecat. You can own one, but expect it to be depressed and aggressive if you do not have: atleast in my opinion 1 squared kilometer of land.
Hey, sorry for the late response. So, one of you sexy ladies want to have sex with me tonight? Don't worry, I just ate so I won't bite. I hope you're into unprotected sex because condoms do not work too well on a barbed penis.
Big cats are more likely to attack in zoos/sanctuaries than they are private owners. & I'm going to get USDA licensed & raise them from cubhood. I'm not an idiot.
Actually you're hundreds times more likely to be attacked from a hand raised cat why? They're unafraid to show you what they think when you piss them off or scared where animals raised by mom they will not just approach someone. Almost all attacks at zoos and sanctuaries both ligit and not are 99% of the time from hand reared exhibit animals or former pets. Also the USDA lisence thing doesn't say much they have white sad care standards and anyone with money can get one. Also hand rearing a cub is just beyond cruel you're forcing the cub away from it's mom just for your own satisfaction which can be deadly for the cub and is very stressful. I work with cats babies taken from mom very commonly do not make due to health complications stress etc. Not to mention the parents of that cub are horrifically treated and you're just encouraging them to continue abusing them by paying for their product. Still sound like a good idea if it does please do not call yourself an animal lover you're putting your desires over the wellbeing of an animal.
Hey, sorry for the late response. So, one of you sexy ladies want to have sex with me tonight? Don't worry, I just ate so I won't bite. I hope you're into unprotected sex because condoms do not work too well on a barbed penis.
Always wondered what it'd be like to be penetrated with a barbed penis, though I don't think it's the "Wonder how great it'd be inside me" but more like "How much would it feel like having your tongue minced through a cheese grater." kind of curiosity. Definitely the kind of curiosity where I let someone else try first.
I love these threads by idiots posting how badly they want to fuck an APEX predator. And, of course, their fantasy filled ideas of how they're going to do just that.

To them all, I say: GOOD LUCK, STUPID. Please have a friend film it, or buy a tri-pod because I'll pay to watch the video of you winning your Darwin Award. The Human genome needs a good Swiferring........thank you for volunteering to remove your defective genes from the pool.
Always wondered what it'd be like to be penetrated with a barbed penis, though I don't think it's the "Wonder how great it'd be inside me" but more like "How much would it feel like having your tongue minced through a cheese grater." kind of curiosity. Definitely the kind of curiosity where I let someone else try first.
I'm volunteer to try it first xD
I love these threads by idiots posting how badly they want to fuck an APEX predator. And, of course, their fantasy filled ideas of how they're going to do just that.

To them all, I say: GOOD LUCK, STUPID. Please have a friend film it, or buy a tri-pod because I'll pay to watch the video of you winning your Darwin Award. The Human genome needs a good Swiferring........thank you for volunteering to remove your defective genes from the pool.
Some did it, otherwise big cat x human stuff will not exist!
Some did it, otherwise big cat x human stuff will not exist!
Does it? Never seen any. Never looked either, but certainly never seen any. I know the IDEA exists because fantasy and reality don't exist on the same level.

I stand by what I said though. Because different people are going to have different experiences based on a multitude of different factors, good or bad. I get laid, pretty much when I want, some folks don't have it that good, or have it at all. That's just life and the way things work out.
Some did it, otherwise big cat x human stuff will not exist!
Show me some that isn't photoshopped.

Until you can, STFU with your fucking idiocy.

Hint: You can't, since there is no such thing that isn't photoshopped or otherwise fake.

Why not? For all the obvious reasons! Well, obvious to anyone who thinks with the head on his shoulders instead of the one in his pants...
You do realize that canines are apex predators too...
True enough, in their niche, and in the undomesticated and/or feral state. Unlike the big cats, though, the ones that some of us have sex with are generally domesticated to the point where they're (most of the time, anyway... obvious exceptions can be found in your newsfeeds) not a threat to life and limb just by virtue of being present in the same room with us without a barrier of some kind to keep them from turning us into a kitty-snack.
You do realize that canines are apex predators too...
Meh, I think that's debatable. No debate really even possible about big cats. Or crocodiles. Or sharks. Canines, I tend to think that fluctuates based on the pool they swim in, so to speak. For instance, Wolves in North America and Europe (when they were more than an afterthought).....what else was there to challenge that? Panther? Maybe? I feel sorry for any Hyena attempting to prey on a lion. I wouldn't classify a Silverback an Apex predator, but I would feel sorry for any Canine attempting to prey on one, or worse, a troop of them. You see where I'm going here?
The ability to kill does not make one an Apex predator. And, in those instances where a canine is LITERALLY the Apex predator because there ARE no other big predators.....I think that weakens the case for them as Apex predators because they got there by default.
Meh, I think that's debatable. No debate really even possible about big cats. Or crocodiles. Or sharks. Canines, I tend to think that fluctuates based on the pool they swim in, so to speak. For instance, Wolves in North America and Europe (when they were more than an afterthought).....what else was there to challenge that? Panther? Maybe? I feel sorry for any Hyena attempting to prey on a lion. I wouldn't classify a Silverback an Apex predator, but I would feel sorry for any Canine attempting to prey on one, or worse, a troop of them. You see where I'm going here?
Hyenas don’t usually attack alone and are rather brutal in the killing area. They also have a greater PSI rating on them jaws.
Hyenas don’t usually attack alone and are rather brutal in the killing area. They also have a greater PSI rating on them jaws.
Very true. I'd also argue that the need to do that pack hunting takes you out of the discussion for an Apex predator. Sharks DO swarm, but they sure as hell don't need to, to do the deed and it's not coordinated like hyenas or wolves would be. And while they do have a fearsome bite and all that force, they are fast compared to you and me, but very slow compared with the kind of speed big cats bring to the table. Can't bite what you can't catch. They are scavengers for a reason.

Not at all arguing they aren't a threat or can't kill or anything crazy like that, but I'm pretty hard pressed to even think of a canine species that meets the criteria for Apex predator in any way except by default. Could be just my way of thinking of it, but I tend to view it as pick one, drop it into any environment it can survive in (Short term if not longer term) and that baby becomes the most dangerous kid on the block, immediately.
Very true. I'd also argue that the need to do that pack hunting takes you out of the discussion for an Apex predator. Sharks DO swarm, but they sure as hell don't need to, to do the deed and it's not coordinated like hyenas or wolves would be. And while they do have a fearsome bite and all that force, they are fast compared to you and me, but very slow compared with the kind of speed big cats bring to the table. Can't bite what you can't catch. They are scavengers for a reason.

Not at all arguing they aren't a threat or can't kill or anything crazy like that, but I'm pretty hard pressed to even think of a canine species that meets the criteria for Apex predator in any way except by default. Could be just my way of thinking of it, but I tend to view it as pick one, drop it into any environment it can survive in (Short term if not longer term) and that baby becomes the most dangerous kid on the block, immediately.
I don’t know about that. We humans are pack driven and took over the world
True. Man with TOOLS is an Apex predator.

Man without tools, is a snack. The difference between us and canines in that regard is we can MAKE tools, in a pinch as well.
True. Man with TOOLS is an Apex predator.

Man without tools, is a snack. The difference between us and canines in that regard is we can MAKE tools, in a pinch as well.
Yes. Which in the end is just our biological advantage. It’s still quite stunning we made it out of Africa. 2 million years isn’t all that long
Exactly. No argument at all on that. High level intelligence is the most fearsome tool possible. Everything else flows out from that. Opposable thumb aside, I can't think of a better advantage really.

My only qualm is that I don't really feel like any canine is an apex predator, except in cases where they are the only predator or the only one of their size and it kind of feels like that's by default. I'm not at all afraid of big cats in a phobia way, but I can't even think of a canine species that would terrify me more to be in a room with that any big cat. Or a croc for that matter. Any animal of the size of a wild canine can kill you, and some I think would, just for the hell of it, but cats and crocs are scary on a whole other level than any canine, to me at least.
Exactly. No argument at all on that. High level intelligence is the most fearsome tool possible. Everything else flows out from that. Opposable thumb aside, I can't think of a better advantage really.

My only qualm is that I don't really feel like any canine is an apex predator, except in cases where they are the only predator or the only one of their size and it kind of feels like that's by default. I'm not at all afraid of big cats in a phobia way, but I can't even think of a canine species that would terrify me more to be in a room with that any big cat. Or a croc for that matter. Any animal of the size of a wild canine can kill you, and some I think would, just for the hell of it, but cats and crocs are scary on a whole other level than any canine, to me at least.
Consider that canines have the intelligence to coexistence with us over kill us. We never really had to fear them compared to cats. It’s a brilliant strategy. They may not be as scary, but just imagine how much more scary the world would be if they decide not to work with or around us?
In a way, they own us.
The only big pussy im fucking with is the one in my panties right now
Consider that canines have the intelligence to coexistence with us over kill us. We never really had to fear them compared to cats. It’s a brilliant strategy. They may not be as scary, but just imagine how much more scary the world would be if they decide not to work with or around us?
In a way, they own us.
Some canines, not all. Primarily but not all, wolves. And, no arguing dogs are smart. VERY smart, but I'm not convinced dogs are the most intelligent of domesticated animals. Pigs and Parrots are pretty high up that chain too. But, then you get into abilities and limitations based on those abilities.

Parrots can learn and mimic words, dogs, not so much, but, does that make them smarter? I'd argue not, but I can't actually say which is smarter intelligence wise, and I'm not sure that it matters because ability is ability, regardless of intelligence. I think Man combines top abilities WITH top intelligence and that's the secret to Man's success, imo.

Smart and very very dangerous is where I'd put canines of all stripes (Not counting the clown canines that Man has engineered into tiny dogs and crap like that) but I still think Apex is a bit of a stretch.

Interestingly enough, I just did a bit of searching and it appears the water on definition here IS a bit cloudy, but, the only mentions I see for ANY canine is Wolves, and even that is listed alongside Man (with an honorary mention for domesticated dogs.) Also interestingly, BADGERS are listed as Apex predators, which I found to be quite a shock, never entered my mind really to consider badgers. At the same time though, I can't even imagine a canine with enough moxie to actually take on a badger. In DEFENSE, yes, in an attack....no fuckin way.

Another interesting aspect of looking this up, is that there is apparently scholarly debate on whether or not Man actually qualifies as an Apex predator. I was MUCH more surprised to see that than I was the bit about Badgers. Had no idea that was ever or should be in doubt.
Some canines, not all. Primarily but not all, wolves. And, no arguing dogs are smart. VERY smart, but I'm not convinced dogs are the most intelligent of domesticated animals. Pigs and Parrots are pretty high up that chain too. But, then you get into abilities and limitations based on those abilities.

Parrots can learn and mimic words, dogs, not so much, but, does that make them smarter? I'd argue not, but I can't actually say which is smarter intelligence wise, and I'm not sure that it matters because ability is ability, regardless of intelligence. I think Man combines top abilities WITH top intelligence and that's the secret to Man's success, imo.

Smart and very very dangerous is where I'd put canines of all stripes (Not counting the clown canines that Man has engineered into tiny dogs and crap like that) but I still think Apex is a bit of a stretch.

Interestingly enough, I just did a bit of searching and it appears the water on definition here IS a bit cloudy, but, the only mentions I see for ANY canine is Wolves, and even that is listed alongside Man (with an honorary mention for domesticated dogs.) Also interestingly, BADGERS are listed as Apex predators, which I found to be quite a shock, never entered my mind really to consider badgers. At the same time though, I can't even imagine a canine with enough moxie to actually take on a badger. In DEFENSE, yes, in an attack....no fuckin way.

Another interesting aspect of looking this up, is that there is apparently scholarly debate on whether or not Man actually qualifies as an Apex predator. I was MUCH more surprised to see that than I was the bit about Badgers. Had no idea that was ever or should be in doubt.
It all depends all and all really. Situation and what not comes into play. Your only as smart as you have to be as it is. It’s hard to place dogs in one bracket for intelligence because each breed has a different purpose and job to do in various difficulty ranges. Apex is just a word in the end. And to me, apex is just another word for I survived better and longer then you. You don’t consider coyotes apex, but they literally rule the world. Right next to roaches.
Another interesting definition, one that leaves man AND canines out of the loop. So, I'm thinking this is more subjective that I had ever previously considered.............

apex predator​


In the natural sciences, an apex predator is a predator that exists at the very top of the food chain. Unlike some other predators, it’s never preyed upon itself. Examples include polar bears, lions, crocodiles, and orcas.
It all depends all and all really. Situation and what not comes into play. Your only as smart as you have to be as it is. It’s hard to place dogs in one bracket for intelligence because each breed has a different purpose and job to do in various difficulty ranges. Apex is just a word in the end. And to me, apex is just another word for I survived better and longer then you. You don’t consider coyotes apex, but they literally rule the world. Right next to roaches.
Naw, I get what you're saying. There are a LOT of factors into it. And, you're right, I totally disregard Coyotes in any definition of Apex, because they get nailed by dogs on occasion. And I've seen eagles grab them too. If you're in the food chain, you're not on top of it. But, again, subjective.