I've made a point of never having sexual relations with animals while having a human companion.
I can see how that can be perceived as cheating or a health risk (Even if it's not true, but "just" an emotional thing. We need to take emotions into accord to date healthily) so I want to be 100% on the same level with my human lover on this matter.
I value trust and love above all else, and trust can't be real if I can't be straightforward about this subject with them.
When I'm about to date someone I'll put all my human-specific sexual kinks on the table in all honesty and talk them trough before sealing the deal. This has worked wondrously for trust-building and defining if we're a good match as a couple.
After we've started dating and built more trust, and I've scoped them out (like asking "what do you think about zoophilia?", or telling about zoo news "this guy in USA got caught having sex with a dog" or even "It's so wrong zoophilia is a taboo") and eventually told them about my zoosexuality.
None of my lovers have ever had any problem with it. Some I've been an active zoo with, some I haven't and the vast majority of all my zoo experiences has been when I was "single".
I need a human partner, I'm a human and it's natural for me to yearn to talk with someone and do human stuff with like go to the movies, go shopping, go to events and amusement parks, share everyday life in a home etc... So I will value my human partner as 1# and will not keep secrets or make them ever feel like second-class or less interesting than something else.
And I won't try to humanize my animal partners. They won't find going to movies enjoyable, they won't like amusement park rides, and I won't pretend they are anything else than they are, and I'll find hobbies that they love, which suit them the best.
Having an animal lover would be very compatible in this kind of relationship, for me. I can go do dog stuff with a dog, go for hikes, dig stuff, play fetch, teach them, mentor them, introduce them to a vaster world and wrassssle! I can still go to movies and have a home life with my human partner on top of that.
Besides, I just generally love animals. Having a human lover and a platonic pet would be just fine to me.
I NEED the companionship of an animal, but I don't specifically need sexual relations with them to have that incredible love and fulfillment I can get from living with a dog..!