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Love to move out of the US

I hear ya, if it were within my power I would have left this shithole country long ago.

If I could go anywhere it'd be Australia or New Zealand, but I don't got money and no one is gonna grant a visa for my worthless ass resume.
It's not that easy. You need a visa, and you can only get that with a specific job that hiring you, and most countries will only grant visa for specific industries.
Yeah people always seriously underestimate how restrictive most countries are with their visas. Immigrating almost anywhere is actually a pretty lengthy and difficult process. It's easier if you're in a highly skilled profession or specific in-demand industries though.
I hear ya, if it were within my power I would have left this shithole country long ago.

If I could go anywhere it'd be Australia or New Zealand, but I don't got money and no one is gonna grant a visa for my worthless ass resume.
*gets a cat bed and invites u* :D
Im abit more surprised on why you want to leave US. I know I cant say much as a dane and living in Denmark for petty much all of my life (To this point where Im writing this)

But most I had seen do love to move to the US
They're idiots who don't know what the country is like, or mexicans coming to make it even shittier.
I mean, I know there is some things that could make someone want to leave US, like the healthcare system. But on the otherside, I still thought there would be enough "positive" things that would let one stand.

To take an example, I know Denmark there is ton of stuff that would want me to stay. But I also know there is things which does want me to try to move to an other country to get a better chance. Like the jungle of laws and being unemployed. Just to name a few
I mean, I know there is some things that could make someone want to leave US, like the healthcare system. But on the otherside, I still thought there would be enough "positive" things that would let one stand.

To take an example, I know Denmark there is ton of stuff that would want me to stay. But I also know there is things which does want me to try to move to an other country to get a better chance. Like the jungle of laws and being unemployed. Just to name a few
Shit healthcare, shit education, shit economy (income inequality is through the roof, adjusted for inflation wages are lower than they were 40 years ago, we pay more for basic things than any other developed nation world - and many third world nations too - thanks to uncontrolled greed of corporations), shit government, rampant crime, despised on a global scale. Quite frankly, the country is too goddamn big for its own good, and there's been warnings of a second civil war brewing for over 20 years. The country is circling the drain.

The only possible people the country could be any "good" to immigrate to for are academics and PHD holders looking to be involved in cutting edge development or research corporations.
Shit healthcare, shit education, shit economy (income inequality is through the roof, adjusted for inflation wages are lower than they were 40 years ago, we pay more for basic things than any other developed nation world - and many third world nations too - thanks to uncontrolled greed of corporations), shit government, rampant crime, despised on a global scale.
The Europeans say the same and want to flee to the USA. :unsure:
Chances are, the world is pretty much the same crap everywhere.
if it were within my power I would have left this shithole country long ago.
Seconded. We're a third world first world cuntry.

Health insurance/the entire healthcare industry is a big reason I'm pissed with this cuntry. I can't try a different form of treatment because my insurance won't work with a provider in town. Because of that, I'd have to use a different, riskier type of treatment that's not within two hours' drive. People also have to decide what's actually "worth" going to the doctor/hospital for because you don't know how much it'll actually come to. You could have a copay of $100+ due right then just walking out of a minute clinic. $100 may not be a whole ton of money, but that can still put a strain on people who are barely getting by. So then they have to think about whether or not they can afford to go to the fucking doctor/ER. That is outrageous and not a decision that should need to be made. We spend more on healthcare, per person and total of the GDP, than anywhere else.

Gave birth with no insurance? Here's a bill for $19k.

Have a heart attack even with insurance? $100k+.

Spent a week in the psych ward, even with insurance? $22.5k.

The blue text are both links. The picture is actually mine from spending a week in the ward back in 2018.

How the FUCK is a hospital going to expect a normal person to just pull that amount of money out of their ass?


If you want to eat an apple, you have to grow a tree. If you want to move out of the US, save money, learn the language and culture, then apply for citizenship if that's what you want 🙏
Seconded. We're a third world first world cuntry.

Health insurance/the entire healthcare industry is a big reason I'm pissed with this cuntry. I can't try a different form of treatment because my insurance won't work with a provider in town. Because of that, I'd have to use a different, riskier type of treatment that's not within two hours' drive. People also have to decide what's actually "worth" going to the doctor/hospital for because you don't know how much it'll actually come to. You could have a copay of $100+ due right then just walking out of a minute clinic. $100 may not be a whole ton of money, but that can still put a strain on people who are barely getting by. So then they have to think about whether or not they can afford to go to the fucking doctor/ER. That is outrageous and not a decision that should need to be made. We spend more on healthcare, per person and total of the GDP, than anywhere else.

Gave birth with no insurance? Here's a bill for $19k.

Have a heart attack even with insurance? $100k+.

Spent a week in the psych ward, even with insurance? $22.5k.
View attachment 601016

The blue text are both links. The picture is actually mine from spending a week in the ward back in 2018.

How the FUCK is a hospital going to expect a normal person to just pull that amount of money out of their ass?


View attachment 601017
I'm sorry but that hospital bill, HOW MUCH? Why is it so high?
I'm sorry but that hospital bill, HOW MUCH? Why is it so high?
I don't know if it's true or not, but I believe I've read that it's because people in the past couldn't afford to pay their medical bills, so prices were raised to try to recoup those lost costs on the "newer" """customers"""/suckers, who now still can't afford it, so it's just a vicious cycle at this point.

Minimum wage not having changed in 15 years surely has done WONDERS for the situation as well.