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Looking to buy semen for your use? READ HERE!

well too late but hey I appreciate your attempt but really it’s none of your concern because if I can’t judge you you sure as hell can’t judge me ? have a nice day
~Lines up jars marked Horse, Bull, Dog~
~Commences to wack off into each of them~
Hey I think I just found a new "Money Maker" Did not know there was a market for this ?
What the actual fuck is going on here?
I cant actually decide wether to laugh,be horrified, or just at odds with how can people actually think any of this is real life?
Am i missing something?
Do apologise if i am!
No it's basically the equivalent of a cum enema it's not that big of a deal and you know what I really don't think you have any right to judge me after all you clicked on this link scroll through and read my reply which means you had an idea for a rather large amount of animal come may not be as large as mine but you know at least I'm not being a hypocrite and crawling up your ass for having your own fantasies

fantasies? Not hardly! I have a bit more taste than that!
fantasies? Not hardly! I have a bit more taste than that!
We all have our fantasies and desires, in my belief system we are free willed individuals, to do as we please. BUT! There is "Cause and Effect"
Everything you do has Consequences and you have to live with the outcome.
Do what though Wilt, But expect the outcome to not be positive for you in all incidences.
We all have our fantasies and desires, in my belief system we are free willed individuals, to do as we please. BUT! There is "Cause and Effect"
Everything you do has Consequences and you have to live with the outcome.
Do what though Wilt, But expect the outcome to not be positive for you in all incidences.
Well yes, life is all about cause and effect……I agree with you
There are times when I stumble across threads here on ZV that just make me go 'tilt'!

Now imagine that ZV is basically the SFW variant of full-scale humanity out in the .nets.
Yes, it's even worse than it reads.

Fortunately humans don't have a linked consciousness. I am such thankful, unbelievable.

Regarding topic: if someone wants to buy ejaculate of specific animals, best bet would actually to own such animals. Or to know a professional breeder which uses artificial insemination - and work for them or know someone which does.

To "just buy something over the .nets" would almost guarantee not receiving what's advertised - and this for a quite high price. Not recommendable.

Not with ejaculate, nor with other bodily fluids. After all the transportation requirements for sterile and intact usable arrival would be immense and if that's not needed, then just buy fake cum powder, cheaper and even better than dead "non-fertile" ejaculate cells which got randomly shipped.
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Non. Il n’est pas possible pour une personne ordinaire d’acheter du sperme d’animal pour votre usage personnel. Voir ci-dessous:

Point 1 : Vous n'allez pas réaliser une telle chose sans dépenser une somme d'argent substantielle - Commencez par des centaines, voire des milliers de dollars pour quelque chose de commun comme un chien, et ne soyez pas choqué si le prix a augmenté. 6 ou 7 chiffres si cheval. Un chiffre encore plus élevé que celui des « exotiques »

Point 2 : PERSONNE qui fournit du sperme ne vous le vendra sans que *LOURD* vous surveille. Cette vérification inclura (au minimum) le pedigree de la femelle sur laquelle vous proposez de l'utiliser, la femelle elle-même, et peut nécessiter une inspection sur place de vos locaux et installations. S'ils sentent l'idée que vous allez essayer de l'utiliser pour autre chose que de mettre enceinte une femelle de l'espèce, ils mettront fin à l'affaire si vite qu'elle laissera probablement un cratère dans le sol.

Point 3 : En supposant que vous trouviez quelqu’un, vous n’obtiendrez pas « d’éjaculation animale ». Vous recevrez une dose de liquide si lourdement traité, préservé, étendu et manipulé que même essayer de l'appeler sperme est une blague. Il ne conviendra qu'à l'usage prévu : être injecté sur une femelle de l'espèce dans l'espoir qu'elle tombe enceinte. Il ressemblera si peu à ce que l'animal a réellement injecté qu'il ne sera reconnaissable que comme "une sorte de fluide" sans un microscope et une bonne connaissance de l'apparence du sperme de cette espèce sous un fort grossissement.

Point 4 : En supposant que vous soyez arrivé jusqu'ici, ce que vous obtiendrez pour vos centaines, peut-être des milliers, peut-être même un million de dollars ou plus, * POURRAIT * suffire à remplir une cuillère à café - Si la société qui l'expédie est VRAIMENT généreux avec les rallonges. Probablement plus proche d’une demi-cuillère à café, c’est beaucoup plus probable.

Sperme gelé :
L'éjaculat gelé ne fonctionnerait pas. Différentes pièces dégeleraient à différentes températures, provoquant une séparation. Le sperme est séparé de la masse de l'éjaculat et mélangé à une solution spéciale avant d'être congelé.
Bonjour c'est mon métier de prélever de la semence sur les animaux mais les prix que vous donnez correspondent à des animaux cher style chevaux de course
Mais je pensais pas que des particuliers voudrais en acheter pour leur usage personnel
No one on Craigslist is going to sell you anything either. It’s just like any other cum in the world…useless after mere minutes. They will either think you are a total idiot with an IQ under the minimum possible thinking you could actually take it and impregnate an animal with it OR figure out you are just some weirdo with a fetish for animal cum.

And anyone wanting to buy cum clearly has never seen cum after again…mere minutes or smelled it after a day. It smells horrid and looks nothing like cum anymore.
Cum, at least for me, has been one of those things that is hot and delicious and awesome, but only until it gets gross and cold, which is about 45 seconds. Always best straight from the tap. ?
Stupidity. Why sell sperm? Ideal sperm is directly from the penis. For animal reproduction there are insemination sites.
No. It is not possible for just some regular person to purchase any animal cum for your personal use. See below:

Point 1: You're not going to make any such thing happen without spending a substantial amount of money - Start in the high hundreds to mid thousands of dollars for something common like a dog, and don't be shocked if the price tag has 6 or 7 digits if horse. Figure even higher than that for "exotics"

Point 2: NOBODY who supplies semen is going to sell it to you without *HEAVY* checking up on you. Checking that will include (at a minimum) the pedigree of the female you propose to use it in, the female herself, and may require an on-site inspection of your premises and facilities. If they so much as smell the idea that you're going to try to use it for anything other than getting a female of the species pregnant, they'll shut the deal down so fast it will likely leave a crater in the ground.

Point 3: Assuming you do find someone, you won't be getting "animal ejaculate". You'll be getting a dose of fluid that's so heavily processed, preserved, extended, and otherwise manipulated that even trying to call it semen is a joke. It will be suitable for nothing but the intended purpose: Being squirted into a female of the species in hopes she catches pregnant. It will bear so little resemblance to what the animal actually squirted that it won't be recognizable as anything but "some sort of fluid" without a microscope and good knowledge of what that species' sperm looks like under high magnification.

Point 4: Assuming that you've gotten this far, what you're going to get for your hundreds, perhaps thousands, maybe even a million dollars or more, *MIGHT* be enough to fill a teaspoon - If the outfit shipping it is REALLY generous with the extenders. Probably closer to half a teaspoon is much more likely.

Frozen cum:
Frozen ejaculate would not work. Different parts would thaw at different temperatures causing separation. Sperm is separated from the mass of the ejaculate and mixed with a special solution before freezing.
everything youve said is incorrect.


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Some people would say the same about the very reason we are all here - people in glass houses.

Actually, STIs can't survive outside the human body for more than a few mins, by the time it arrives it's just a condom full of anon DNA.

I don't buy it - guys who like the idea of a cumdump carrying their load around without ever meeting send it and when it arrives I deposit it inside and enjoy the arousal of having a strangers spunk inside me where it belongs.
Glass houses indeed. Kinkshaming here, of all places.
Im just here to figure out how to get this horse semen fresh or shipped and so far i have had a good laugh and been horrified and laughed some more but still no answer at this point im seeing a potential for something here…….