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Looking for advice

Looking for advice on the best feeling dog or horse dildo
Believe it or not wish is a great place to find these things. Wish is hit or miss with quality, but there are some things you find on there that are of amazing quality, and their sex toys are one of those things. They're also more affordable then most of the things you would find say on Bad Dragon, if you're in the market for a giant horse dildo I would definitely check out wish. I've never had anything in my bum so I can't attest 2 the quality but there are plenty of reviews you can tell which ones are real and which ones are automated. It's worth a shot my friend just don't buy any used toys from eBay LOL
Believe it or not wish is a great place to find these things. Wish is hit or miss with quality, but there are some things you find on there that are of amazing quality, and their sex toys are one of those things. They're also more affordable then most of the things you would find say on Bad Dragon, if you're in the market for a giant horse dildo I would definitely check out wish. I've never had anything in my bum so I can't attest 2 the quality but there are plenty of reviews you can tell which ones are real and which ones are automated. It's worth a shot my friend just don't buy any used toys from eBay LOL
I wouldn't touch wish just because of the issue of materials.

A LOT of stuff used for sex toys is unsafe for that purpose. Even some silicones
I must admit I've never actually use something just going off of second-hand information I'll have to tell my friends that's really scary! Almost as scary as in finding microplastics in people's blood nowadays!
I must admit I've never actually use something just going off of second-hand information I'll have to tell my friends that's really scary! Almost as scary as in finding microplastics in people's blood nowadays!
I remember getting the info from a BDSM Discord. It covered sex toy materials. It linked me to this page:
Primal Hardware definitely all the way! Their stuff is so much better than BD, AND they don't treat their employees like crap, so that's a plus!